Chapter 2 - My Class

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The teacher had told me to sit in the seat behind the twin that was sat beside the girl dressed in the male student uniform - who I shall now be referring to as the cross dresser.

I sat down and hung my bag onto the hook on the desk and took out my things. Homeroom was simple enough. Just given some announcement, the general 'welcome back to school' talk and all that jazz. After that we had history in which was mostly reading from a textbook and answering questions from the teacher when called upon. Before I knew it, it was break and the set of three in front of me all turned around.

"Hey." One of the twins greeted with a wide smile.

"Oh hi." I replied, feeling somewhat awkward surrounded by so many new faces.

"I'm Hikaru, and this is my twin brother Kaoru," he introduced, pulling his brother into a hug "and together we are the Hitachiin Twins"

They struck a pose, and I restrained from letting out a small laugh.

"I'm Haruhi Fujioka." Said the cross dresser.

"I'm Kino. Nice to meet you all." I told them, smiling along with them.

"Hmmm..." Hikaru pulled his face closer to mine and lifted my chin up with his finger. "You have a very pretty face ya know."

"And you have a very direct way of approaching people, ya know." I shot back, swatting his hand away.

"Feisty, we like that" he and his brother smirked.

"Weirdos, I don't like that." I shot.

They gave a surprised look while I saw Haruhi trying to contain a laugh of her own.

"You should come with us to music room 3 after school." Kaoru suggested as he sat up on his desk with a more innocent and sweet smile than before.

"And why would I do that?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.

"Well, we can promise it will be a lot of fun." The brothers said together.

"No thanks." I rejected almost instantly.

"Come on. Only once." The pleaded, still talking in perfect unison.

"Hnnn...I'll think about it."

They cheered and left the room.

"Bye Kino." They called.

"Bye guys." I called back.

I went to go get something from the cafeteria and came back just in time for my next lesson, Math. Although I didn't really like it, I was good at it. It was probably one of my best.

"Okay class, you must work in teams of four to complete the next task." The teacher announced.

The twins and Haruhi automatically became the first three of a team and lots of people went to rush to be with them, but Hikaru pulled me over to their table making us a four.

"Why did you drag me?" I groaned.

"We wanted you to be a part of our team." The twins said.

"Well you didn't have to drag me."

"Let's just get on with it." Haruhi told us.

"Agreed." I replied.

We got on with the work and finished first. From what I could tell Haruhi is also really smart.

After math we had English and were told to stay in the same groups for another activity. We finished first again, and soon it was lunch.

I was about to eat my lunch box in the class room when the twins picked me up, with my lunch, and sped us off to the cafeteria.

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