Chapter 1 - Kino

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The left over droplets of rain sparkled as the moonlight from above peered through them. The stars twinkled beside the glowing sphere in the sky. The city lights slowly going off one by one as people started heading to bed. Despite living in a more urban area, light pollution hardly effected my view of the magical brilliance above.

My name is Kino Kamiyoto. I am 15 years old and today is April 3rd, meaning tomorrow is the start of a new school year. Or rather a new school entirely in my case.

I lived alone in a small one bedroom apartment with an open plan living room and kitchen. It wasn't tiny like some of the rural areas of the city, but it certainly wasn't big either.

I was born in England on July 23rd as an only child. My parents may not have been rich, but they were 'well-off.' We never had to worry about money, food or anything like that. We didn't live in a mansion or had an army of servants. Just a nice house and a single maid that came in once a week to do any major cleaning along with a chef that made us meals on special occasions such as birthdays or yearly holidays. Our garden was a range of beautiful colours from the flowers my mother loved to grow with a white wooden gazebo in the middle to tie it all together. We'd sit out there to eat on sunny days or even just for them to read stories to me.

I never had many friends so I spent most my time with my parents, when they were free. My mother worked as a high-class florist where they usually made bouquets for proposals, funerals, weddings and other such rare occasions. My father worked as a software designer and engineer, 'always trying to find a way to make life easier online' was their motto. The days they did have to work over-time I had my babysitter to play with. It was so nice... I miss it.

When I was 8 years old there was an...incident. It resulted in the death of both my parents. My grandparents had already passed away and anyone on my fathers side refused to take me in, due to circumstances they were very against.

Specifically, they were plain racist. They hated the fact that my very British father had married my very Japanese mother. But my father didn't care, he loved her and that's all that mattered to them. So my father was basically tossed out of their will and wanted nothing to do with him, including me. His daughter.

I got placed into an orphanage under social services for around two years until my mothers sister - my aunt - had finally managed to save up the funds she needed to take me with her. So I ended up living with my aunt and cousins in Japan. I always wanted to live there but at the time my mother always said there were economical issues so we couldn't. But at this point it was resolving so my aunt could finally afford to look after me along with her own family.

It was comforting there. It wasn't as big as my old home but that just meant we were all a lot closer. Playing games and running around in the streets. The atmosphere was still warm like it was back home.

Continuing on, I was 14 when a letter for me got posted through the door. It was my family's inheritance. I was now the soul owner of my home back in England, and all my parents assets and money would be available to me when I turned 16. However, under my permission my aunt could take the money out for me. So that's what she did.

Just as my last year of Junior High ended she allowed me limited access to the bank so that I could afford to live on my own. The cramped house was getting a little too cramped and I decided I'd move out to save some trouble. Plus, how many high school kids could say they lived on their own?

It was also around the same time I got a letter from Ouran Academy.

My Junior High had sent a recommendation letter to them about my grades and how I'd benefit greatly from their education system. As well as my high grades giving the school a good reputation for intelligent students. So I took the entrance exam and passed. As of April 4th I would officially be an honour student of Ouran Academy. The elite school for the rich and powerful - despite me being neither.

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