Chapter 29 - My Memories

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It's Tuesday morning. 6:30am to be exact. I don't know how I woke up so early. Haruhi was even still asleep. She had stayed round mine last night trying to figured out what to do about the twins. In the end we couldn't think of a thing and fell asleep studying.

I finished all my morning chores that were both school related and house related. I was dressed and ready to go, all except the fact that we didn't have to leave for another hour and a half.

When it finally hit 7am, Haruhi woke up and got ready. We both had breakfast then grabbed our lunch boxes and wallets and went down to meet the taxi.


"What is it?" Haruhi questioned.

We were in the back of the taxi half way to Ouran when I had a thought.

"Well you know what I told you what happened yesterday." I began. "Do you think I should try give them a proper explanation?"

"Depends. Do you even know why you cried?" She asked.

"Not really... All I know is that it really hurt when Hikaru yelled and glared at me like he did. I dunno why that was the reason though."

"...Well then you don't need to explain because you don't even really know. They'll be fine with it."

"Okay. If you're sure."

Soon we arrived and we were once again early because I called the driver early. We sat around my desk and just talked. Then the twins showed up, and Kaoru was walking up to us.

"Morning." He beamed.

"Morning guys." me and Haruhi replied.

Hikaru stayed silent and just looked out the window. Kaoru nudged him signaling to speak.

"Hi." He said grumpily.

"Sorry about him. He didn't get to sleep until late last night so he's a little grumpy." Kaoru obviously lied, but I didn't want to pry. "Oh. Kino can I speak to outside for a minute?"

"Um. Okay.." I said unsurely.

I followed him out into the now empty hallway, as everyone was in their classes by now.

"Now what is it you wanted?" I asked.

"Do you remember anything about me or Hikaru at all?" He asked.

"...I-I don't know. Words keep spilling out my mouth without me thinking, as if it feels natural to say it. Images keep popping up in my mind for a split second before they get chucked back into the dark depth of my memory." I explained.

"I see. Oh well. We're just gonna have to wait for you then." He smiled, tussling my hair.

"Thanks Kaoru. You really are a good, kind hearted person. You know that?"

"Hey. No problem." He replied, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "I know Hikaru can be an ass sometimes but he ready does have good intentions and a good heart."

"Yeah right. He's so confusing. One minute he's all worried about me, the next he's pissed at me to no end." I scowled. "But you're always really kind, no matter what the situation. Even if you're hurting, like now, you're still always so happy. Like me."

I could feel an emotion welling up inside me, but it felt wrong. It felt like I was falling for Kaoru, but it felt wrong. Like I wasn't meant to like him in that way.

"Hey Kaoru..." I began, already knowing my face was going red.

"What is it?" He asked.

'Here goes nothing....or maybe everything...'

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