Chapter 21 - The Nightmares

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A Week Later

The day after I told everyone about my parents death, I met up with them at lunch again to explain everything. They listened carefully and comforted me when I inevitably started to cry again. The twins being the first to jump up to hug me. Hikaru also ended up at mine that afternoon to try make me feel better, which of course it did. I woke up in my bed the next day and Hikaru was gone.

The rest of the week went by smoother and I was back to my Hostess duties as normal. The excuse I gave being just a cold.

However, that Friday I woke up in a fowl mood the next morning. The reason? I had a horrible nightmare.


I was joyfully strolling down the halls towards the music room, a spring in each step and I hummed a sweet melody. However, when I reached the doors I heard something coming from inside. I put my ear to the door and concentrated on the voices.

"Should we tell her?" Asked one voice, sounded like Tamaki.

"I dunno. I mean it's my decision, but I'm afraid what she'll say." Said another that I figured to be Hikaru.

"Well, I think you should tell her. She may get angry but at least you won't have the guilt of you not telling her gnawing at you." Karou's voice.

"Personally I don't think you should tell her at all." Kyoya.

"And why's that?" Tamaki

"We will most likely lose her as a hostess."

"Kyoya-senpai! This isn't about money you know. This is about how Hikaru feels!" Haruhi yelled.

'What are they talking about?'

As I continued to listen the smile I once wore seemed to fade more and more. The previous feeling of glee slowly distorting into worry and fear.

"Screw it. I'm gonna tell her." Hikaru finally decided.

"You sure?" Karou questioned.


I couldn't take it anymore, so I decided to open the door.

"K-Kino." Hikaru stuttered.

"What is it?" I asked.


"What's up?"

"Kino... The thing is, Hikaru-" Karou stopped mid sentence.

"Can someone please tell me! I'm getting really worried." I pleaded.

"Kino, I want to tell you that...I don't think it's gonna work.."

Everything seemed to freeze, including my heartbeat. I felt a cold rush through my body and the world became silent. The once colourful room turned to sinister shades of black, white and grey before the entire world around me was engulfed in the black. I couldn't see anything and I hadn't a clue where I was. I could hear voices from a distance, and I ran towards them in desperation. As colour and light returned - though the shades being dim and void of life - I soon found myself in a park. But not just any park. The park I used to play in when I was little. I looked around to see a five year old me sitting on a swing when a group of kids walked up to me.

'I remember this.... it was the day I was ever hurt. The day I realised not everyone was so nice, the day I learnt of sadness first hand.'

One of the boys snuck up behind me, took out his water and dunked it over me, then 2 girls picked up buckets of sand from the sandpit and threw them over me. I started crying and they teased me. Their parents weren't happy but they weren't made to apologise either. They were just pulled away from the park and my mother came to get me soon after.

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