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The boys assembled in the back of the courtyard. I watched them curiously. I had no idea how boys really acted; whenever we traveled to the city for a field trip, everyone skittered away nervously at the thought of over forty juvenile delinquents wandering the streets.

Piper smirked and elbowed me in the side. "Man candy," she said, her eyes wide.

An old man in a wheelchair was escorting seven boys up to the stage. My eyes widened when I realized that he had no way of getting up the steps in a wheelchair -- but that problem was solved as the seven boys lifted up the man (still in his wheelchair) and carried him up the steps.

"Oh, muscles," Piper said dreamily.

I smacked her on the arm. She gave me an apologetic look.

Dionysus cleared his throat. All girls immediately saluted once more. The boys watched in confusion.

"Right then. I'm Dionysus, director of Goode. Now, boys, I'd like you to meet our four Quadrant leaders. The leader of the First Quadrant" -- my Quadrant let out a loud cheer and I smiled in spite of myself -- "is Annabeth Chase."

I nodded at the boys.

"The leader of Quadrant Two" -- Piper's Quadrant cheered -- "is Piper McLean." Piper waved at the seven boys.

"Quadrant Three" -- Three screamed and stamped their feet and Dionysus pursed his lips -- "is Thalia Grace."

Thalia just glared at the boys. Piper nudged her reproachfully.

"And lastly, Quadrant Four" -- a small cheer came from the smallest Quadrant -- "is Katherine Gardner."

"My name is Katie," Katie snapped at Dionysus, then smiled at the boys. I smirked as Dionysus purpled.

"Now then, if Mr. Chiron could please introduce his leaders." Dionysus stepped down, still fuming, and stood next to me. I wrinkled my nose and scooted closer to Piper.

I noticed a dark-haired boy with green eyes chuckled at my actions. Had he been watching me?

"Right then. Well, hello ladies," Chiron said with a grin, and I realized that he was pretty much the exact opposite of Dionysus.

"Let's get down to business. From our First Sector, we have Percy Jackson." The dark-haired boy gave us a lopsided grin. He was very handsome, I realized, and muscular.

I felt like Piper.

"Sector Two is Jason Grace." I ignored Jason, a blond-haired boy with blue eyes who Piper had been eyeing, and turned to Thalia. 

"Are you related?" I hissed in an accusatory voice.

Thalia sighed. "He may or may not be my brother."

"What?" I screeched.

Everyone went silent.

Piper snickered. I cleared my throat. "Shit. Sorry, everyone."

Dionysus glared down at me. I pretended not to see him.

The boys were chuckling at my antics. I smirked.

Chiron cleared his throat. "Sector Three is Nico di Angelo." I raised an eyebrow at a goth boy with dark hair and an olive complexion. He'd fit right in with Thalia.

"Sector Four... Travis and Connor Stoll." Two boys, brothers, I guessed, nodded at us. They had curly hair, blue eyes, and a mischievous gleam in their eyes.

"Sector Five -- Leo Valdez." A boy with curly dark hair and a Hispanic skin tone gave us a mischievous grin. He was seriously ADHD, by the way that he constantly fiddled with some screws and gears. He looked like a mechanic.

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