"I don't care if I get in trouble, I'm going to kill that bitch."

"Max, make sure she doesn't do anything stupid. I need to talk to Chris," Jason announces and walks off, hoping that he hasn't left yet.


Jason sights Chris as he's about to enter his car in the parking lot.


Chris stops on hearing his voice and looks to see Jason walking over.

"Dude, you didn't have to do that," Jason chides.

Chris opens the door to the driver's seat and throws his backpack in the passengers' seat.

"Didn't have to do what? Speak my mind to that Spawn of Satan?" Chris shuts the door with more force than necessary.

Jason sighs. "I know she's bad and --"

"Bad? She's fucking evil. She's insane. Did you hear what Luke said? She lied to him. She has been feeding him lies and he has been believing them. He thinks I was the one who cheated." He rambles in anger.

"Chris, take a chill pill. She's not worth getting yourself worked up. Who cares if she's lied to everyone about what happened. Forget about her bro. Karma will pay her a visit at the right time, dude." Jason pats him twice on his back as Chris runs a hand through his hair out of frustration. He takes a deep breath and leans on his car. Jason does too.

"Where's your jacket?"

Chris hesitates before answering.
"It's with her."

Jason doesn't need rocket science to know who he's referring to.

"Who is this Stephanie, huh? I don't even know her and she has somehow managed to gain your attention and have you do crazy things to stand up for her. And she has your jacket, dude. Who's she?" Jason asks quizzically, raising his eyebrows suggestively.

Chris clears his throat awkwardly.
"She's just some girl. A friend."

"Are you sure? She's just a friend? Nothing more?"

"She is just a friend, Jason."

"I do not believe you." Jason says in a serious tone before grin appears on his face. "I think you like her."

Chris huffs. "No, I do not. She's not even my type."

Jason simpers, "Keep telling yourself that. So when do I get to meet this Stephanie?"

Chris pulls himself off the car, not wanting to have this conversation as he doesn't believe anything Jason is saying.

"You don't need to meet her. I have to go. You should get to class," Chris tells him as he enters his car.

"You're just trying to avoid this conversation but don't worry, very soon you'll be asking me for relationship advice," Jason says smugly.

Chris doesn't reply, he just shakes his head slightly as he turns on the ignition.

Jason shuts the door and steps away from the car. As Chris begins to pull out of his parking space, Jason hollers.
"Tell your special friend I said hi."

He laughs uproariously as Chris flashes him the finger before driving away.


Brooke is livid. She's annoyed, angry, vexed, peeved, pissed off, mad, upset - what other synonyms are there - at Stephanie. She lied to her. Steph freaking lied to her. When she didn't see Steph, she texted her, asking her where she was. Steph replied that she wasn't feeling too well so she went home. Brooke doesn't remember her looking like someone who isn't feeling well this morning but she noticed she was spacing out. She found it odd that she went home just like that but then she found out that there's more to the story. Ivy did something to Steph and if Chris didn't confront her aand make a scene in the cafeteria, maybe she'd never know about it.

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