Cautiously, I brought the container forth again, withdrawing it as he thrashed forward. I almost lost my balance but quickly caught myself, glancing up.

I couldn't begin to imagine how sore his arms must be, having to dangle from the ceiling like a fish to a hook. "Bea,"


His eyes had lightened but were dark with sorrow. He twisted away from me, unable to speak more than a few words, his face turned away as if he was embarrassed or as if he was trying to protect me from him.

"No," I reached for him, my hands grasping skin that seemed like it would fall apart if I held on any longer; it was gritty and slimy. I almost coiled away in disgust but as Ross turned back to me, I edged the container forward again. "You need to drink... Just drink, Ross, please."

Like a dying man wanting to live and drawing in air, Ross swallowed down the blood greedily. Gently, I tipped the container, holding my breath. His teeth crashed into the container, piercing it and I was lucky to back away in time as his monstrous side showed.

He teared the container apart in seconds, my blood dripping out of the side of his mouth and he gnashed his teeth together, eyes evilly trained on me.

I climbed down from the table, picking up the blade. An awful thought slithered inside of my mind but that wasn't what frightened me - it was how willing I was to cut open Ross' neck.

I scrambled out of the cellar before I could commit the deed.


My head pounded in time with the hands ticking around the kitchen clock. The enormity of the day was heavy on my shoulders, almost breaking my legs and having me crashing to the floor. Blood trickled down my palm, sweeping past the length of my finger and then, seconds later, splashing against the floor in the smallest of tears.

Insanity was never a friend of mine but today it sang for me like a siren, enticing me to embrace it like we were one. It crooned in my ear and I felt detached, watching myself as I twitched to the side as if I was trying to ignore its words.

Mum in hospital beaten, Ross alive and a sucker, The Incomplete gone, the daunting threat of Ellie in danger, Leo dying.

It was too much... I couldn't take it. My rage was not something I wanted to give into, especially not with how exhausted I was. But its promises were persuasive and its bony fingers dragged me deep into the flames of a maddened and murderous wrath that had never experienced a day before.

I could have fought it, kicking away its touch but like I craved my mother's side, I leaned into it, inhaling its hot musk that was comforting where I stood in the kitchen.

I knocked a glass to the floor and it sprinkled like diamonds around my feet. I swallowed and that's when I took my friend's hand and together we were a tornado; sweeping through the room, smashing plates, cracking the window by slamming a chair into it, gripping the backs of the fridge and yanking it away from the wall. It crashed to the floor with a loud bang. Grabbing a chair by its back, I swung blindly, gritting my teeth in fury as I repeatedly slammed it against the gas cooker.

It was destructive, it was madness and it was violent - but I reaped the aftermath, the sight of cracked tiles, a broken oven and damaged cutlery barely appeasing my raving storm of fury.

"Stop!" Ajax shouted in incredibility, eyes wide as he took in the room. "What are you doing?!"

Orion was behind him, lifting his gaze to sweep across the kitchen, shock slipping onto his features.

"Are you out of your mind?! What have you done?" Ajax could hardly pull up his jaw, picking up a broken chair's leg in amazement.

My hands hurt, they throbbed in pain and I don't know whether it was because they were both bleeding or if it was because I had clutched things too tightly.


I don't think I breathed. Hoarsely, I said. "Orion."

I stumbled over my feet in an effort to reach for him and he welcomed me in his arms. Time stilled for me, Ajax's voice a buzz in the background, Orion's arms tightened around me as rage kissed me passionately and I knew what I was going to do.

"Orion," I murmured softly, the handle of the blade soothing to my hot palm.

It was easy; pushing the blade straight through him, he didn't even expect him.

I heard him gasp in my ear and pure hatred twisted my facial features and I gripped onto him fiercely, not willing to let him escape as I forcefully shoved the blade in deeper...

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