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Sana fiddled with trying to find the keycard in her purse. She groaned when she couldn't find it. Eventually after digging a little deeper, she finally found it.

She took it out and unlocked the door. She tripped as she got in and fell on the floor. She scoffed as she closed the door and took off her shoes while she was still on the floor. She stumbly got up and began to walk to her room, not noticing she had a whole audience watching her.

Mina and Dahyun were seated on the couch, utterly confused about why Sana's acting like she is.

"Uh, you okay?" Dahyun asked.

"Yeah. You seem... off, Sana," Mina added, "Is there something wrong?"

Sana's eyes flickered from Mina to Dahyun. She looked down and saw their hands laced together, it triggering something in her. She shook her head as she walked to her room and slammed the door shut. Mina and Dahyun looked at each other, still really confused.

As soon as Sana entered her room, she jumped on her bed face first. She couldn't take it and screamed into her duvet, letting out all the frustration that was kept inside her. Then, she began to cry. It was all too much. She kept crying and eventually cried herself to sleep.


Not even twenty minutes go by and there's a knock on Sana's bedroom door that makes her lift her head. She glanced at the stain on her sheets from her mascara and eyeliner when she cried and rolled her eyes.

"Go away," She the furrowed her eyebrows at how her voice cracked so she cleared her throat and repeated it again but more clearer.

"You do not tell your best friend to go away, Sana."

Sana raised her head and stared at her door and was surprised that the so called person behind it wasn't who she thought it was. She got up and walked over to the door and opened it to find Nayeon with her arms crossed.

"What's going on?" She asked as she made her way into Sana's bedroom and sat on her bed, "Mina texted me saying that you were a little off and asked if I knew about it. I lied and said no and she suggested I come over."

Sana rubbed her eyes, smearing her eye makeup even more.

"Like, look at you!" Nayeon exclaimed, "You look like a wreck. Is this because of her?"

Sana sighed as she sat down next to Nayeon, "No. No, it isn't."

Nayeon furrowed her eyebrows as she stared at Sana blankly.

"What do you mean by 'no'?" She questioned, now curious on what's making Sana feel like a wreck.

"It's Yeeun," Sana mumbled, "She k-kissed me and confessed that she likes me."

Nayeon's eyes widened as she shuffled closer to Sana.

"She did?" Sana nodded and Nayeon's shoulders deflated, "Well... what did you say then?"

"I... I just said that I liked someone else and when she asked I just ran off. I can't deal with this, it's so confusing and frustrating."

Sana felt uneasy not hearing Nayeon reply right away, "It's stupid, I know."

"No, no. It isn't," Nayeon retorted. She pondered for a second before a thought popped up, "Hey, what do you say you spend the night at Tzuyu and I's place? Will that make you feel a little bit better?"

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