"What the fu-" I slowly try to grab it but I then heard Harry's feet storming upstairs and I kicked the entire bag to the side disregarding the bag completely.

I pretended to groan as I actually held my hurt side in pain when Harry showed up looking confused as ever seeing me on the floor next to the bed.

"What the hell were you doing?" He asks rushing to my side and I grunt as he helps me sit on the bed, catching my breath and checking my bruised side.

"I was um- doing the Macarena and I made a mistake and fell against the bed." I groan as Harry's head almost laid in my lap looking at my bruise.

"I should get you some pain killers and a warm compress." He says in squatting position weaving his fingers together biting his lip like before. He then peers up at me catching me staring at him.

"Yeah?" He asks and I snap out of my trance laughing awkwardly.

"Yeah, yeah that should help." I say hunched over him smiling lightly. He then nods and stands to his feet to walk away before I realize I just lost my opportunity again.

I stand to my feet wincing at the pain grabbing his arm making him stop and turn to me. He looks to me confused and I wasted no time before I grabbed his face and pulled to me slowly pressing my lips to his.

He felt frozen at first but then as I started to pull away, he wrapped his arm around my torso and pulled me to his body and placed the other on my face, forcing new contact as he deepened the kiss. My hands trailed into hair gripping it making him groan into the kiss which felt heavenly.

And no part of me thought it was weird I was kissing Mr. Styles because at this point, I was kissing Harry Styles.

Finally after a heated make out session and my side throbbing I finally pulled away trying to catch my breath looking at Harry's flushed face. He fluttered his eyes open and smirked at me.

"Wow." He breathed out as I smiled looking down before catching his eyes again.

"Yeah." I nod not really knowing what to say. I had finally kissed him and honestly I couldn't think of anything else. I couldn't think about my family, friends or the fact that someone was dead. I couldn't even think about being in another country while the city looked for me.

I just kept looking at Harry.

I felt his hands drop to my waist and he pulls me to him before he sighs.

"As amazing as that was, I have to make a few quick phone calls and I'll be back for more." He says and leans down and places a sweet kiss to my lips before pulling back smiling. My face blushed making me look to the ground before I walk back to sit on the bed.




Oh no, it's still me. Yknow Niall.

Yeah I was getting ready for the dinner Harry decided to have listening to the news playing throughout the loft as Harry was in the room getting dressed. I looked in the mirror at my slicked hair and sigh.

"I haven't worn a tux since my brothers graduation dinner." I sigh turning to look at Harry who was tucking a button down into his skinny slacks.

"Well I haven't worn a suit since my parents funeral." He huffs finally getting his shirt tucked in before he looks up to me and my frightened expression.

"I will be quiet now." He laughs awkwardly as I turn back to the mirror and pick at my hair.

Moments passed when I finally finished my appearance and walked out into the room to get dressed. It was a little weird that I was kind of going on a date with my history teacher that I watched jerk off and kissed earlier. But hell this entire situation was weird.

I turn to the projector screen and there was me on the news again.

"Turn it up." I tell him and he grabs the remote turning up the volume.

"In the desperate pursuit to find Niall Horan, the lead detectives have found new evidence-" I froze from putting on my shirt and look up to see Harry looking with the same shocked expression.

"This man displayed here is Liam Payne, a man who knew the attacker of Bates Lane brawl, Harry Styles, and is now in custody awaiting questioning this afternoon. He was found in a family vacation home that belonged to the Styles family where the murder weapon was discovered. It unrelated whether Mr. Payne took part in the murder. We will update you all with further details coming up-" I seen Harry quickly turn the tv off and look at me.

Our horrified expressions mirrored each other.

"What the fuck!"

"What ahahhh!"

That's when baby Harry came back all over again. Tears started streaming from his eyes that he couldn't control.

"God, they've got Liam, my best friend!" Harry says raising his voice. He looks like he was shaking as he started to breathe heavier and heavier.

"Oh god, Harry no!-" I rush over to him before he fell to the ground and I slowly rested him in a fetal position in front of me on the ground. He began to rock back and forth distraught in tears.

"Harry you have to calm down!" I yell as his cries intensified.

"No! I can't. They have my best friend in custody over my stupid actions. And he knows we left the country Niall and he knows where we went! We are fucked!" He yells at me pushing me back to the ground as he stands to tower over me with a red flushed face.

He looked so angry and sad that it was scary.

"I left murder weapon. God! Why the hell would I leave the gun! I'm so stupid." He says and I watched turn and punch a hole in the hall breaking through layers of wall. The loud cracking noise stopped ringing through the air and I seen a heaving Harry stop moving and paused to collect his breath.

He turns back to me and sees me on the ground where he pushed me with tears leaving my eyes and I looked absolutely terrified of him. He instantly regretted it. I scrambled to my feet before he could walk over to me and sprinted into the bathroom.

"Niall please please please no!" He says before I slammed and locked the door in his face as I looked in the mirror across from me as my red, wet eyes. He kept banging on the door begging for me to come out but I couldn't.

I really just couldn't.


Happy update!

Tell what you think is gonna happen next.

This book won't be too long. If you read my books for a while you know I only write around 20 chapters because I love short stories.

So buckle up. We're going on a ride.

Love and kisses ;)

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