Chapter 29

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Olympia's POV
Octavious wrenched my head back so quickly it felt like my head would pop right off, like one of those polly pockets. I was terrified but as I had been pouring my guts out to Otis (I refuse to say my heart because I never confessed) a little plan had begun to form in my head. I had no idea if it would work but with looming death at my heels I'd really try anything.

Octavious looked at me. Staring down at face and smiling like someone whose mind and been forgotten at an airport several years prior and was picked up by one of those people who always drops their phone (definitely not me *innocently looked to the top left corner of my imaginary field of vision*). He placed a finger at my temple and said in a voice that was suckly sweet and made the hair at the back of my neck stand on end, "I'm very sorry luv but I need you to die. Also if its not to much to ask of you would you kindly scream.......loudly?" He punctuated his horrible request with a loud cackle that could have made The Joker proud.

As he pulled a pocket knife out I gave him my best customer service smile and cheerfully as I could muster shot back, "Of course I can!"

With those words I let out a bellow and lifted my arms forward only to slam them back into my stomach with as much force as I could focusing on trying to break the zip tie around my wrists. I heard a satisfying zzzzppp as the zip tie slid off slightly blood stained from my escape effort.

Once free I sprung to my feet and thanked heaven for the hightened senses adrenaline forced Octavious to experience as I saw him regain his bearings after the deafening roar I had attempted. Before he shook off all of his confusion I grabbed the hand holding the knife and kicked his abdomen as hard as I could. He attempted to block my foot but was still pushed back a fair amount and a resounding pop could be heard through the clearing as the shoulder of the hand I was holding popped out of its proper place. I quickly ran from my kidnapper towards a stunned Otis. "I think that this is your fight and I really hope you brought some sort of candy with you." I added as an afterthought, "and some handcuffs."

Otis looked at me and gave the biggest smile he had ever given me as he pulled me into his arms. He squeezed tightly and was so warm and comforting I was ready to cry as he pulled away. He looked into my eyes and he chuckled, "I always forget that you also trained for years in a martial art. You can take care of yourself."

I looked at him and gave an excited grin, "Actually the zip tie trick I saw online once and thought it was cool. I'm glad to know now that it actually works!"

Otis shook his head, "It terrifies me to know there was any chance of it not working." He smiled sadly and brushed some of my bedraggled hair behind my ear. He looked passed me and his eyes turned steel hard.

"Octavious, I understand that I hurt you and what I did was unforgivable but you brought someone else into it threatened their safety. That too is unforgivable."

Octavious looked up from the arm he had been cradling. "Don't act like what I did was anywhere near what you did. You betrayed me and left me to rot in some alternate universe with no means of escape. You left your paetner, your so called brother to die and promptly forgot about him!"

"I spent every second for years looking for you. The reason I left odd squad was because I kept fixating on your case and it made me useless as an agent. For years I looked for ways to travel between dimensions and for years I tried to recreate whatever anomaly occurred when I lost you."

Otis was pleading with Octavious, he was desperate and his cracking and squeaky voice was a dead give away. "How do you think you got back? I went to some shady fairy after my options had been exhausted and begged him for his help payed him in dozens of favors and he assured me he could get you back. I never looked back because I knew if I had failed bringing you home I would have been broken beyond repair and Rosie still needed me so much."

Octavious looked gobsmacked. His mouth hung open but would periodically close to staunch the flow of drool down his chin. His eyes were blown wide. "I- " Octavious stopped, "I didn't realize. I will never forgive you for this and I don't know that my blood pressure can handle ever seeing you alive and well again. I definitely still plan on cursing your name whenever my internet connecting is slow and I do plan to still open my day with a pin and a voodoo doll that definitely has your hair attached. But I will leave you and yours alone. At least for now, until I can clear my head of all that's going on."

Octavious and Otis held eye contact for long enough to make me feel uncomfortable before Octavious made a quick dive for Otis revealing a second knife. Octavious ended up pinned on the floor; his arm was pinned behind him by a very somber Otis.

Otis' eyes softened and he whispered, "I'm sorry we turned out this way."

The world stood still for several minutes. Even the wildlife seemed to fall silent for the few minutes after everything was over. Rustling from the pile of Octavious and Otis signaled the blessed return of normal noise. "We really need to get him somewhere, I'm not sure where but.......somewhere." Otis looked at Olympia his insecurity at the situation evident in his face.

"I vote we just take him to Miss O. and leave it up to a more impartial party." Otis nodded at my statement and that's what we did.

A/N I am expecting just one more part but who knows

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2020 ⏰

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