Chapter 23

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Octavious POV

Everything is playing out perfectly, a little faster than expected, but it is no trouble to speed up.

Otis's POV

Olympia was looking wistfully out the window at the passing scenery nodding her head to the music blasting from the radio. She turned to me and grinned, "I feel like I'm in a fantasy movie going to the old boarding mansion that ends up being filled with magic."

I smiled, I could almost see the story playing in her head the dragons flying behind those chocolate eyes, their fire lighting them up, "Uh, Otis, spacing out while driving is not the best idea, do you need me to take the wheel?" The comment brought me back from my one sided staring contest, "No, I'm fine."

She reluctantly let it go and decided that now would be the best time to play, "interrogation of Otis because there is nothing he can do to get away."

"So, Otis what is your little sister like?"

I hesitated a tiny bit but the words began to flow, "She is 16 and kind of reminds me a little of you. She is really excited and loves almost everything. If it weren't for the fact that I've seen her in a bad mood I would believe she was made of everything nice in the world."

Olympia looked at me and gave a cute smile, "that is the sweetest thing ever!" She passed to think, "what is your favorite childhood memory?"

I have her a sly smile, "I'll say only If you will." I looked at her for confirmation and she gave an enthusiastic nod, "then I suppose it it's settled, my favorite childhood would probably be the time I went to a waterpark with my sister, we were with one of the less then enthusiastic foster homes and we had been mostly ignored by the foster parents, we of course took full advantage of this. I had managed to make some money doing odd jobs at neighbours houses and I had saved for me and Rose, my sister, to have a day where we just had fun. Rose chose the place and we left early, there was so much to do and she insisted we try all of it. We spent the better part of the day at the park living off of ice cream."

Olympia looked at me starry eyed, "You're such a good big brother. My story is not near so sweet, it was in middle school and I was taking a couple classes a year ahead so when the 8th graders were taking a big test a couple of friends who were also a year ahead and I just sat outside of the class joking around for the entire class period."

She smiled contentedly and leaned her head back. "Let's talk more, but after naptime."

I chuckled, "Yeah, let's."

A/N look at me actually updating, I'm so sorry about my inconsistency, I truly did start out with the intention of regular updates, then life laughed in my face. Now I fully agree with Olympia, it's naptime

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