Chapter 11

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Olympia's POV

When I got to the bowling session at three, one thing was running through my head. It was not a date, that was my mantra all throughout breakfast lunch and any stress cleaning I may or may not have done. When I had finally convinced myself I realized that there was two hours to get ready and decided it didn't have to be a date for me to look nice.

I brushed my hair and eventually settled on a loose french braid. My makeup was light and my outfit oozed not dateyness. It was a black tank and jeans with a red plaid buttonup. So not date clothing.

While driving I tried to think of things to ask, though he didn't seem very forthcoming with information the first time so I wasn't sure if I would be able to learn anything about him. What I did know was that I did not plan on loosing. Not meaning to brag but I have had a few near perfect and perfect games in bowling.

Upon arrival I saw what I had come to recognize as Otis's car in the lot with a figure in it. That was when a brilliant idea struck me. I snuck up behind his car and tried to pounce but realized too late that he could see me in the mirrors. When he was supposed to be suprised he just opened his door and gave an almost smug smile. I would wipe that smirk off his face when I beat him at bowling.

We got a lane... and two, mabye three servings of fries. They didn't last very long.(A/N so my family loves thr fries at our bowling alley and that is why the mention wad made)

The game was very intense. Almost every frame we tied, and it was only in the last two frames that I was able to pull ahead. We really didn't learn much about eachother because we both were focused on winning. I had tried to keep up a steady stream of coversation with Otis but he was, as usual, not very talkative, so it was mostly me talking at him. I, at this point believe he knows more about me than my own mother.

Anyway he seemed to enjoy himself and that made me happy as really I had only seen him truely smile once, and that was when we saw chairs... in a pool.

A/N so, sorry about last  time I accidentally  posted the next chapter oops

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