Chapter 14

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Olympia's POV
I enjoyed walking home with Otis, but when I felt eyes on us I was less than excited, and accidentally said aloud that I could feel their eyes on me like wet peaches. When I realized that I had made a mistake I looked at Otis to see his reaction but he thankfully seemed preoccupied also. While I find no problem with many things I would rather have a good and some what normal start to what I hope to be a friendship to last a lifetime. Now all we need to do is find our secret handshake.

Even after Otis had dropped me off at the door I still felt that eerie presence and at one point thought I saw eyes in the window. Eventually after 2 or 3 hours of MLP the feeling left and I began to get redy for bed but as I walked into my currently spotless blue room I saw something that shouldn't have been there it was a paper that read: I challenge you and your partner to a game I have 8 pawns...oops sorry I meant partners that await you at various locations around the city good luck and here is your first hint: you will need to know what to call me and I don't appreciate my entire recon mission being taken up by some equestrians.

My first call was ingnored and being very used to this I just called again, when He picked up he seemed rather shaken, "Olympia, are you okay, your not hurt or anythong right?"

His concern was concerning. I quickly responded to end what seemed to be his version of quickly rising panic, "Otis I am fine I am not hurt nor am I dying as you seem to think,it is just... well did you feel that person watching us?" He seemd to hesitate but slowly said, "yes."

"Well I may have gotten a challenge letter from him. I need you to come here."

"I'm on my way."
A/N so I am just now realising that it is Friday not Thursday, but I have a good excuse, yesterday I had a band concert and was in a state of panic because, don't kill me, I had a B in a class. Now I know that is a good grade but it would have been the first I had in 3 years and My parents are hard to impress. But now I am on spring break and want to publish more than A single chapter(keywords being want to, I don't know if it will happen).

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