Chapter 6

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Otis's POV

I was only slightly bitter about being conned out of 50 cents, but she said that I had to pay after I had already taken a drink.

Polly, the shift manager for the Odd Ones bakery, was pleasant whenever she wasn't trying to get money from you. She gave us each our schedules and said, "If you say some of your hours won't work for you," she paused and looked at us contemplatively, "then I know your lying because I've already looked over each of your schedules and given you each enough time for freedom, but not too much because, as I am sure you have heard before, time is money people and we like making money. If something comes up try to inform me a week in advance. If you didn’t notice you both have the same schedule, that is because as partners everything you do for us will be done as a team, including your up top hours." She paused once again to think of anything she might have missed, "If you have any questions you can ask me or one of the other workers, though I wouldn't suggest going to Obfusco, he only talks in riddles and rhymes." Olympia and I looked at each other with identical horrified expressions. "Just kidding." We both breathed a sigh of relief, until she opened her mouth again and dashed our dreams. "He only talks in riddles, it just sounds better if I add rhymes to the end."

Polly walked away with a little skip in her step chanting, "Riddles and rhymes, riddles and rhymes."

I thought at that moment that I had made a mistake, that was until I saw Olympia my new partner just smiling calmly and at peace. Even though I knew it would take some work I knew we would get the hang of things in this place.

I turned to the person I would be spending a large amount of my time with and said, "Well let's get to work, and hope we make it through our first day."

She looked at me funny and shook her head, a little chuckle coming from her.

"I hope we know what we just signed up for."

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