Chapter 4

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Otis's POV

I reported in exactly 5 minutes before the alloted time. With each step I took, I became a little more fearful they would do a background check and then refuse to take me as an employee, or worse, (expelled XD) they would report me.

It wasn't until I had gotten to the bakery that my mind quieted enough for me to take in my surroundings.

"You must be my new partner."

The statment alarmed me a little in its far too joyful tone for this early in the morning. That was of course only until I saw the source of the voice.

It was the girl from the bakery. The one who spoke a million miles a minute at her slowest pace.

"Miss O said I would have a partner, but I didn't know that it would be you."

Some how she seemed to have slowed down from yesterday, but she still gave off the feel of someone who didn't like to not be talking.

Miss O approached us with a purposeful stride and before we had a chance to introduce ourselves, we were whisked inside (pun intended) and led to the back. Miss O walked us to the very back of the bakery and instructed, "Stay right on my tail, don't want you geting lost."

When I opened my mouth to ask what she meant the girl next me pulled me by the hand and very enthusiasticly followed Miss O right into the wall. The wall which to my amazment flashed blue and let us all through. We were then sent hurdling at untold speeds toward who knows what and all the girl next to me could seem to do was smile that rediculously large smile and laugh. It figured that I would get stuck with someone crazy, as well as being employed somewhere even crazier.

When the ride stopped and we were free, the girl next to me spoke saying, "Miss O? I think he and I," indicating me, "need to be introduced."

Miss O looked as if realization had dawned on her, "Yes, right," she paused, "I forgot you haven't officially met yet. Well Olympia? This is Otis. Otis? This is Olympia."

She walked on and mumbled something about a morning juice box. She took us through a large facility, until arriving at the door of what appeared to be an office. We all walked in together and each took a seat for what was obviously going to be an explanation.

Miss O yelled, "JUICE ME."

Somone almost immediately had put a juice box in her hand.

"You have been hired by our organization, you were hired on the books as counter workers, maybe even kitchen workers one day, but off the books, you are now going to be agents for our Odd Squad."

I raised my hand, as it felt a very appropriate thing to do, and asked, "What exactly is it that your facility does?"

The Odd Ones BakeryWhere stories live. Discover now