Chapter 24

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Olympia's POV

I woke to the door opening for a gas refill a couple hours after we had stopped talking. Otis looked at me sheepishly, "Sorry, didn't mean to wake you, but while you're up do you want a stretch break?"

"That sounds marvelous." I got out of the car and headed for the gas station and for the snacks.

It was pretty empty with only me, the cashier and one other guy looking at a collection of key chains, both briefly looked up from their respective focuses to see the newcomer and quickly seemed to loose interest. I moved toward the candy and chip isles and began to browse the selection.

When key chain dude came up behind me I saw an opportunity for making a new friend, or even just acquaintance. "Hi there stranger."

Key chain dude looked at me like I was speaking a foreign language, "Hey?"

I stuck my hand out expectantly and he reluctantly followed suit, "I'm Olympia."


"Well James, what brings you out here?"

James smirked and reached towards me, "You."

James' POV
"You." I smirked and reached for her face with the powder I'd been given to use to knock her out, it worked like a charm, I think he called it unseelie dust I need to get me some of it. When she fell forward into my arms I pulled her up carrying her bridal style to the truck we had parked out back, my buddy called the boss and told him we had the girl.

"We got her," he jabbed a thumb in the girls direction, "left the note. Now all that is left to do for this job is return and collect the money. This guy is crazy to pay this much for a simple kidnapping, not that I'm complaining."

Otis's POV

After filing up the tank I pulled the car up to the building and walked in. Everything was silent which was odd because I saw Olympia come in here and where Olympia is, there is noise it was a law of nature. I looked around a little thinking that perhaps she was just in the bathroom and I was simply over thinking things. I waited for several minutes until I was able to conclude this was not the case.

My next best guess was that she had decided to go back out to the car and wait for me there. When I approached my car this theory was also swiftly disproven as there was no auburn pony tail bouncing anywhere near the car. While there was no Olympia, upon closer inspection there was something unusual on the car.

Slowly approaching the car I glanced around to see if there was some sort of trap set, when everything seemed in order I took a closer look at the item on the car. It was a letter, more specifically a letter addressed to me in neat decisive handwriting.

Dear "Agent Otis",

I was wounded you didn't want to play with me like the old days. I was hoping maybe your partner might be a little more fun and from how her teachers, friends, and co-workers have described her I have no doubt she will not disappoint. I was hoping to tell her some stories from the old days maybe embarrass you a little, she may even enjoy learning if your reckless and rebellious streak. Can't wait to see you again.

A/N So I want to thank Jungle-Cat and user62937432 for giving me the idea and motivation to finish this chapter, I hope you guys like it.

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