The prophecy

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It was ordinary to see magic being performed either in a dark corner or in public. There were categories under magic as well, sorcerer, seer, witches, clairvoyant and among them the most powerful enchanter was the 'Devil' as people call him.

Once people accepted magic into their world. Magic lived amongst humans. Those who possessed the power , had friendly ties with the humans until one day greed destroyed it all.

Diana,  just an ordinary girl yet strikingly beautiful with deep blue eyes that belong neither to her father nor her mother , her long red hair cascading down her back just above her hips. 

She lived in a small village under the hills some twenty minutes away from the town.

Grown up in a town full of tales and stories about the devil who possesses dark magic , who destroyed their lands and was banished to another dimension by her ancestors.

Diana always listened to her mother , who used to tell her stories about the devil. Her mother believed that the devil isn't as bad as people tag him. She always told Diana that it was the greed that destroyed our world.

"Mum why was he banished ?" One day Diana asked her mother out of curiosity.

"Magic was once acceptable to our ancestors and both used to live peacefully in a harmonious co-existence, they say that the late King  he fell in love with a human girl who was very beautiful, kind and generous and they had a beautiful son , this was not accepted by the humans and as result of which they decided to kill the child and the king and his lover, Cara. To protect her son Cara sacrificed herself , she was caught by the humans and they killed her." My mother would pause and then continue her story.

The magical creatures had migrated to another place in order to escape from the humans and their intolerant ways. Some were being hunted to extinction.

"The late King was devastated, he knew that this world was not safe for his people. Slowly all the humans started killing the people with Magic , their children. It became a hunting sort of thing. It was then the late King he made another dimension with the power of his ancestors and help of his other powerful mage"

"So the devil was there child ?" I asked
"Yes the devil as they call him , was the late king and cara's son and he was called the devil because he was there successor"

"So that means the devil he was nice ?" Diana emphasized on the word devil as she spoke.

"I believe that he was nice. I don't really know about him I have only read it in books"

12 years later

"You you ...!" Diana crouched down on her knees to look under the table for the beast that ate her fish.

"You silly rat ! Your food is out that was mine !" Diana tried to get a grip of the cat which was hiding under the table chewing the fish, Diana prepared for herself, with euphoria.

While Diana was about to get hold of the rat she heard her fathers worried voice.

"Our crops are failing again and we have to give the share to the king" diana's father who was pacing back and forth said worriedly.

They lived in a small yet comfortable house with two bedrooms , a kitchen and main hall.

In every five months half of the share of the crops produced by an individual farmer goes into the town for sale and the other half they use to feed themselves. Barter system is followed here and in exchange for the crops the farmers ask for other essentials.

But this year the crops were failing and there was pressure from the king.

"I am sure it's the insects" Diana sighed and entered the main hall with a tray full of sweets and tea she prepared.

She heard her father discussing with her mother that the crop failure could be an act of the devil since he was only banished from this dimension, his powers were still with him.

"If the devil wanted revenge he would have already taken it" Diana responded

"No there is a stupid prophecy"her father looked at her mother with a nervous look.

Diana didn't know anything about the prophecy.

"What prophecy ?" She asked confused.

Her father looked in a state of confusion as if he was thinking whether to answer the question or not. But looking at Diana he knew she won't give up until she knows the truth.

"Before the late King went to another dimension, he cursed our land that if we don't sacrifice a particular girl then our crops would fail and slowly our village will be destroyed." Diana didn't know this part of the story.

Her father continues
"The late King was devastated and wanted revenge , so he cursed us all"

Diana looked at her father as if what he said didn't make any sense.

This prophecy didn't make any sense ! Diana wanted to laugh but she swallowed her laughter.
"And what if the prophecy is fake?" Diana challenged

"I don't know if it's fake or not" her father sighed.

Diana was curious to death about this new information.

What would it feel like in there world ?


Diana's blue eyes


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Hi all,
Hope you all liked the first chapter.
This is my first time writing something like this, I hope y'all enjoy it!

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