chapter 5: meet the museebath

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26th May 2021

chapter 5: meet the museebath

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chapter 5: meet the museebath

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If there was one thing in the world that intimidated me, it was the voice of guys.

Without Abba and my brother in the city, I had grown accustomed to the female voices around me — Amirah, Zurri khala, Falak, Ammi, Nani, Humrah didi and finally my little sister Safwana. Junaid bhai and Jafar Bhai were too soft-spoken, I was comfortable around them the way I was comfortable around my father and brother. But when Shafaq's voice forced itself into my life, I was left feeling a little overwhelmed.

Nani rounded on the last street and parked her car a few meters away from the apartment building. I quickly scrambled out as Junaid bhai appeared out of nowhere and decided to help with the luggage. I could see Falak and Amirah near the gate, so I began to walk towards them quickly as Nani engaged Junaid bhai in small talk.

Amirah was rudely pointing at someone at the gates while Falak held a brownish-orange cat in her arms. I quickly jogged over, wanting to ask them where Shafaq was — but before I got the chance to open my mouth, the cat leapt forward from Falak's arms and ran across the road towards the gate of my apartment building.

"Museebath!" Amirah screamed.

I looked towards the gate, and Shafaq turned around to face us like Amirah had just called him museebath.

I realised he had been arguing with the guard at the gate. When his face registered recognition as he saw me, he visibly relaxed. Clad in a crisp white shirt, he held his black-rimmed glasses in one hand and paused in what I assumed was a conversation. There was no Jennifer this time, and I couldn't see a driver either. The cat — Museebath — ran forward towards him and he bent down to receive it in his arms. He smiled at the guard, pointed towards us and started walking.

My heartbeat skyrocketed — and I assured myself it was all because of the unfamiliarity of such situations in my life.

"Oh my God, he's coming here." Falak voiced my thoughts.

"Pretend you're okay, Zahra — you look like you've just seen a lion." Amirah whispered an advice.

I caught my reflection on one of the car mirrors and realised I was, indeed, flushed pink. Calming my breaths, I waited as he jogged across the road with his hands full of Museebath and the black-rimmed spectacles.

The sun was casting shadows in his amber eyes as he smiled. His hair was sitting in a neat mess atop his head which looked effortlessly elegant. I hadn't noticed him in the dark that night. At Orion mall — all I wanted was to put as much distance between us as I could. Now, I felt like doing a little "I-told-you-he's-real" dance.

"Assalam Alaykum, Zahra!" He directed his salaam at me, with a voice so confident and steady I almost felt jealous.

"Wa Alaykum Assalam." I replied.

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