Chapter 3

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Monday AM

(9:12) -Topaz-
It's a Monday morning and my head is killing me.

(9:13) -Bombshell-
Your mistake, shot foot.

(9:13) -Topaz-
I knoooooooow, I knoooooow don't rub it in.

(9:14) -Topaz-
In other news: Fangs is dating 'the one'! Alert the news outlets.

(9:14) -Bonbshell-
How does that make you feel?

(9:15) -Topaz-
Wow, do people actually say that?

(9:15) -Bombshell-
My old psychologist did and I had to refrain from laughing every time.

(9:16) -Topaz-
You saw a psychologist?

(9:16) -Bombshell-
Most teens with a chronic illness do. No big deal.

(9:16) -Topaz-
Hey, I'm not judging. Don't gotta play it off, Bombshell.

(9:17) -Topaz-
Anyway, yeah, Im super stoked for him. I don't think he's stopped smiling for twelve solid hours. It looks painful.

(9:17) -Topaz-
Only downside is that he still won't shut up about his boyfriend and this time he has solid fact to back up his stupid, whimsical purple prose about how nice his hair looks and how adorable his nose is, and stuff.

(9:18) -Bombshell-
That's adorable.

(9:19) -Topaz-
Ughhhhhhhh donnnnnntttttt

(9:19) -Bombshell-
All right, all right. Do you feel replaced, by any chance?

(9:20) -Topaz-
Absolutely not, Bombshell. I can assure you there are no actual hard feelings toward the situation and I look forward to the day I get to be best man at their wedding. Mostly bc I'll get to make an embarrassing speech.

(9:21) -Bombshell-
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union between these two very gay men, and that one time Prongs did something really embarrassing that I will now tell you all about."

(9:22) -Topaz-
"I remember the first time Fangs told me about kissing his now husband, and how he described it as like kissing fireworks. What a pretentious dickhead."

(9:23) -Bombshell-
Did he really?

(9:23) -Topaz-
Oh yeah. I used up all my good manners for the year to not laugh.

(9:24) -Bombshell-
Do you not believe him?

(9:24) -Topaz-
Maybe. I guess it's the 'the one' thing.

(9:25) -Bombshell-
Have you kissed anyone before?

(9:26) -Topaz-
A few girls here and there, hell even Jughead. But we were very drunk. Anyway, It was nice, but it wasn't fireworks.

(9:27) -Topaz-
Have you kissed anyone?

(9:27) -Bombshell-

(9:28) -Topaz-
How was it?

(9:29) -Bombshell-
It was good at the time. Only one person. No fireworks for me either but, yeah, it was really special. but thinking about it now makes me feel a little sick.

(9:30) -Topaz-
You deserve way better, Bombshell. I'm sorry.

(9:31) -Bombshell-
Oh, it's ok. It's not that I even particularly knew what I was feeling but...

(9:32) -Bombshell-
Well, my mother made me believe a lot of things about them. Unfortunately, I don't know what's the truth and not. I've spent countless hours listening to my mother's twisted tales of my deviltry.

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