Chapter 13

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Saturday AM

(8:01) -Cheryl-
There is a Hell and it's 8am.

(8:02) -Toni-
I'm going to swallow my phone if it means you won't text me at an ungodly hour ever again.

(8:02) -Cheryl-
Wow, what a change of pace this is.

(8:03) -Cheryl-
Now you know how it feels when I'm trying to sleep at night and you insist on talking.

(8:10) -Cheryl-
This can't work if you ignore me.

(8:15) -Cheryl-
This is so unfair. Maybe next time I'll just stop replying too!


(9:09) -Cheryl-
I need a bingo card for the market

(9:09) -Toni-
"Old ladies running you over with their old lady carts"

(9:09) -Toni-
"People trying to sell you useless shit"

(9:10) -Cheryl-
"Screaming child"

(9:11) -Toni-

(9:11) -Cheryl-
Fish? Really, TT?

(9:11) -Toni-

(9:12) -Toni-
Nope, still too early for talking.

(9:13) -Cheryl-
Oh come on, this is good. This is "I'm fulfilled with what life has given me."

(9:14) -Toni-
I can be fulfilled with life at lunch.

(9:16) -Cheryl-
The lunch suggests not.

(9:19) -Toni-
Late night last night. Had important stuff to do.

(9:19) -Cheryl-
I doubt that.

(9:21) -Toni-
Okay, we shoved Pea into Sweet Water.

(9:21) -Cheryl-
Aaaand I was right.

(9:23) -Toni-
Someone had to do it.

(9:23) -Toni-
We nearly forgot this year.

(9:24) -Cheryl-
Each night before I go to bed, I pray for Sweetpea's life and fate.

(9:27) -Toni-
He's already poured a gallon of water over my head in the freezing cold this year.

(9:28) -Cheryl-
And what's Fang's and Jughead's annual... treatment?

(9:28) -Toni-
For Fangs, It's usually decking him. Jughead is throwing his camera off an overpass

(9:30) -Cheryl-

(9:31) -Toni-
Fangs wears belts now. We don't know what to do.

(9:33) -Cheryl-
Pulling his shirt over his head?

(9:35) -Toni-
The guy's fit, won't be embarrassing at all.

(9:36) -Cheryl-
Pulling his shirt over his head and then slamming ? onto his stomach.

(9:36) -Toni-
I'm listening. What could the ? be?

(9/ 38) -Cheryl-
I was originally going to say a cream pie but that's... Clownish.

(9:40) -Toni-
Fangs  is the biggest clown I know, so it suits him.

(9:40) -Toni-
Yell BINGO when an elderly lady asks you if you have a boyfriend

(9:42) -Cheryl-
Hm, not quite.

(9:43) -Cheryl-
You'd make a pretty boy.

(9:44) -Toni-
Show them a picture with me in my football uniform, see if they believe it.

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