Chapter 11

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So I mixed football and soccer together bc I know nothing abt either sports I'm a GAY SOFT GIRL OKAY
anyway idk how the writing went with this I tried to change up my writing so. Yeah. Okay.
Thanks for reading! Be back ASAP with an update :)

Saturday AM

Her parents had left the house not even ten minutes ago, and yet it gave Cheryl way too much time to flit about the house tidying random things and wiping her sweaty hands on the backs of her jeans. Betty was buzzing encouraging words in her pocket, but every time she checked her phone she was disappointed to see it wasn't Toni. She was so used to it being Toni.

(9:13) -Betty-
I know you, and I know you'll be freaking out, but it'll be fine. I promise!!

But all Cheryl could think about was that soon Toni wouldn't just be a concept in her phone. Soon, too soon, Toni, who smelt like motor oil and Lilac would be past the threshold of Thornhill. Too soon and all too far away, Cheryl will finally have a face to the voice that had soothed her for so many weeks. The voice that after 10 years replaced Jason's.

She was pretty sure she was going to puke

(9:16) -Betty-
Look, I'm assuming you're reading these messages and are just too nervous to reply. Remember breathing exercises! Calming! Meditate, or something.

Cheryl took two deep breaths before she gave up and laid face first on the plush living room couch.

Every passing car, every honk of someone's horn or the shouting of the neighbours, was Toni. Cheryl tried not to look like an excited dog, popping her head over the back of the couch at each sound, but she was failing miserably. She just hoped that when it finally was Toni, the girl wouldn't see Cheryl run to the window and peek through the curtains. She had to try and play it cool.

(9:24) -Betty-
Archie wishes you luck! He also made a joke about your kissing abilities but I think it's too soon for that.

She tried getting comfortable in the bar stools sitting at the kitchen table, but it was too still, and her bouncing knee kept hitting the tabletop. She would probably have a bruise, or 20, there.

(9:30) -Archie-
I know Betty already said it on my behalf buuuuut....
Good luck, Cher! Try not to look too much like an idiot.

(9:31) -Archie-
Oh my god!! That was a joke. A bad joke. You don't need to hear stuff like that.

Her skin was feeling a little too tight under the skinny jeans Betty had chosen for her, and when she was half way up the stairs to throw on her insecurity-blanket sweatpants, a knock on the door stopped her in her tracks.

Cheryl's heart was in her throat. With a few shaky breaths, she stepped carefully to the door and opened it tentatively, poking her head thru the small crack in the door

There was a brief moment of confusion until she realized it was a deliveryman.

"Fucking hell," Cheryl breathed. The deliveryman grunted at her, shoving a package into her pale arms and storming off to his beaten up van.

Cheryl was about to close the door when she heard a familiar voice sing, "What did you do to piss him off so much?"

Cheryl nearly dropped the package.


Toni nearly kicked the bike over when it failed to start the third time.

Fangs was behind her, texting Kevin and being entirely unhelpful while Toni was ten minutes late leaving the overcrowded school parking lot.

Her foot was raised in the air when she considered kicking the bike might make it hate her even more. And she couldn't have Elvendork hate her, not now of all times.

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