Chapter 2

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Chapter Text
Monday AM

(9:26) - Topaz -
Okay I've realized something.

(9:30) - 🌙💣🐚 -
I'm sure it's revolutionary.

(9:31) - Topaz -
You chastised me for texting in class last week, but where exactly are you on a weekday morning???

(9:32) - 🌙💣🐚 -
I'm... home schooled.

(9:32) - Topaz -
I think that is exceptionally less punk rock than a trailer park and public school

(9:32) - Topaz -
Doesn't it still count as texting in class since youre in class like 24/7?

(9:33) - 🌙💣🐚 -
Usually, yes, but I guess you could say I'm on winter holidays.

(9:34) - Topaz -
You can't just choose your vacations!

(9:34) -🌙💣🐚 -
Home school advantage. You should try it.

(9:35) - Topaz -
Couldn't even if I wanted to.

(9:35) - Topaz -
I do not mean it lightly when I say I might very well kill myself being around my idiot friends 24/7.

(9:35) - Topaz -
Sorry, that was probably a bit much.

(9:36) - 🌙💣🐚 -
It's ok. I'm now worried for your summer, though.

(9:36) - Topaz -
It's fine, we all usually part ways for something or another.

(9:36) - 🌙💣🐚 -
I'm very happy for you, then.

(9:37) - Topaz -
Can I tell you a secret?

(9:38) - 🌙💣🐚 -
I feel as though you just have, but let's hear it.

(9:38) - Topaz -
I actually love school.

(9:39) - 🌙💣🐚 -
You're going to have to swallow some safety pins and bathe in monster energy now to boost your punk cred.

(9:40) - Topaz -
Only if you tell the punk brigade.

(9:41) - 🌙💣🐚 -
Then I shall die with your secret, Topaz.

(9:41) - 🌙💣🐚 -
Isn't weird though that you... got to school with so many of the same people you've grown up with and are every day anyway?

(9:42) - 🌙💣🐚 -
I can't imagine you would get much privacy? Meet new people?

(9:43) - Topaz -
That's exactly. why I love it, Bombshell. I get to know what everyone is doing

(9:43) - 🌙💣🐚 -

(9:44) - Topaz -
Plus, really, I like sharing being able to sneak over to my friends trailer at 3 am and steal their beers. I like that I don't ever have to worry about being alone because I have them all as my family. You would think so, but there's really not as much freedom here as everyone thinks. We all pitch in for chores, do our part and work together. Can't be that loud monday thru fridays past 11:30.

(9:45) - 🌙💣🐚 -
Really? Is that why you have three months worth of cleaning detention? Isn't that like being grounded? Or at least under house arrest.

(9:45) - Topaz -
Ah, but bombshell, it also means an hour of quality time with the billiards table.

(9:46) - 🌙💣🐚 -'re a bit strange, Topaz.

(9:47) - Topaz -
Oh shut it, billiards is my soulmate

(9:48) - 🌙💣🐚 -
But I thought I was your whole world?

(9:49) - Topaz -
Times change. If anything, you're the mistress, and I'm being unfaithful to the billiards table. My hands typing on the keys instead of stroking that beautiful cue.

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