(Rewrite) The start

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Kaidou walked up behind Saiki and chuckled, “Once again the fate of the world has fallen into our superpowered laps, eh Saiki?” ‘Good grief. He doesn't know I actually have superpowers.’ Saiki groaned. “Hey they found the snake outside of a school half dead.” A student said. “Really? What happened?” Another asked, walking up to the other. “Some first graders were whipping it around.” The class went quiet for a second before erupting into laughter, pointing at Kaidou. The boy ran off to the bathroom to cry. ‘I actually feel bad for-’ His thoughts were cut short. ‘Oh, I should probably go with him.’ Saiki thought as he got up and walked to the bathroom after Kaidou.

Saiki sat in the stall next to Kaidou. Screams were heard from the classroom. ‘What’s going on? Could someone be in trouble?’ Kaidous thoughts were crazy, he was worried for his classmates. The boy stood up from his designated crying toilet and ran to the class. ‘Moron. What are you even planning on doing?’ Saiki sighed. ‘Clairvoyance!’ He crossed his eyes and watched the events play out.

Kaidou walked into the room just in time to see the snake jump at a girl. He quickly ran in front of the girl, blocking the snake. ‘I have no idea what I’m doing.’ He thought regrettingly. Saiki panicked and electrocuted the snake mid jump.

‘What was that?!’ Saiki thought as the panic died down. He shook it off before getting up and started to head back to class before anyone notices he’s gone.

Ψψ Time skip Ψψ 

-Brought to you by insomnia

The bell rang, signalling the end of the day. Saiki grabbed his bag and started his way home. ‘Finally, I have time to think.’ But as luck had it, just as he walked out of the gate, Nendou and Kaidou were waiting there. ‘Good grief.’ Saiki started, ‘The two people I didn’t want to see.’ “Heya buddy! Wanna go get some ramen?” Nendou asked, smiling stupidly. Saiki shook his head. All he wanted to do right now was go home and take a nap.

Kaidous head lowered sadly. Saiki looked at him and his stomach twisted. ‘I don’t like this…’ ‘Good grief.’ Saiki nodded slowly, showing he wanted to go. Kaidou perked up at that, ‘Thank gods, I’m glad he said yes. Asking him to hang out by myself is weird. I don’t think I would be able to do it.’ Kaidou thought. Now Saiki was intrigued.

Ψψ Time skip Ψψ 

-Sponsored by bad ramen

Saiki finally got home and fell onto his bed. He had some thinking to do.


Hey. Thank you all for waiting for me to get ideas and stuff. Your support is amazing and I love you all. I’m now writing this on my computer so there should be less mistakes but if there are feel free to point them out. Any ideas for a chapter or anything is appreciated. Have a nice rest of your day.

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