Character 1

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(Saiki POV)

"He, once again the fate if the world has fallen into our superpowered laps. Eh Saiki?" Kaidou said. 'Good greef. He dosent know I actually have superpowers.' Everyone started to make fun of kaidou and he ran off to the bathroom. 'Wow, do I actually fell bad for-' Saikis thoughts where interrupted by someone else's. 'Oh. I should probably go with him.' Saiki was in a stall with Kaidou in the next one. Screams where heard from the room the 2 boys where just in. 'What's happening?! Could someone be in trouble?' Kaidous thoughts where scrambled. Kaidou stood up from the toilet he was crying on and ran back to the room. 'Kaidou you moron. CLAIRVOINCE!'(I can not spell) Saiki crossed his eyes and watched the events in the other room play out. Kaidou hoped in front of a girl who was about to be attacked by a snake. Saiki couldn't even think. Panicking he electrocuted the snake mid jump. Once the snake was dead Saiki snapped back and started to freak out. 'WHAT WAS THAT?!' Saiki got up and stared to head back to class before anyone could get suspicious.

(Time skip brought to you by the authors lazy ass)

The bell rang signalling the end of the day. Saiki started to walk home. 'Good greef. I finally have time to think' Saiki was walking through the school gate when his 'friend' Nendo walked up to him along with Kaidou. 'Good greef. The 2 people who I didnt want to see' "Heya Saiki! Wanna go get some Ramen?" Saiki shook his head just wanting to go home to think. Kaidou looked down kinda bumbed out. Saiki looked at him and felt his stomach twist. 'What is wrong with me? What is this odd feeling?' 'Good greef' Saiki nodded his head to say fine. Kaidou perked up at that. 'Thank god, I really want to hang out with Saiki more becau-' Kaidou shook his head to get rid of those thoughts. Saiki felt sad that he couldn't hear the end of Kaidous thoughs.

(Time skip brought to you by bad ramen)

Saiki finally got home and fell onto his bed. He had some thinking to do.


Sorry for wrighting author notes. I will try to keep them short and only do it when I need to. Have a nice day/night.

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