Chapter 4

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(2 days later because Im lazy)

Saiki and Kaidou are now securely a couple now. Since Saikis parents are still on their business trip, Saiki invited Kaidou over to spend the night. Kaidou was of course worried. Saiki would be able to tell even without telepathy. 'A night with Saiki at HIS house. What if something bad happens? What if we-' Kaidous thoughts where interrupted by the lunch bell.

(Time skip brought to you by Dark reunion)

It was almost the end of class and Kaidou only got more anxious about Saikis house. Kaidou was brought out of thought by a paper being placed on his desk. "We will be going to Okinawa in 2 weeks. I suggest you get this signed." Just then the bell rang signaling the end of school. 'Here we go' Saiki and Kaidou walked to Saikis house. When they set their stuff down they sat on Saikis bed. "Hey Saiki." Saiki jumped. Kaidous mind was racing a mile a minute so Saiki was surprised he even spoke. Saiki turned towards Kaidou to show he was listening. "Your parents are on a business trip. How are you going to get their signatures?" Saiki looked at Kaidou. "I have my ways" Saiki said getting up. 'Hey do you want to watch a movie' Saiki asked telepathically since he wasn't facing Kaidou. "Um. Sure. What do you have?" Saiki picked up a rather large box (about the size of a standard large cardboard moving box) To Saiki it wasnt that heavy, more like a feather. Saiki started to walk back to Kaidou and set it down against the head of his bed. "Saiki, you ok? That looked heavy." Crap. Saiki forgot the box for an average person should be heavy. Saiki shook his head to say no and started looking through the movies.
'Black Panther, Little Shop of Horrors, all of Twilight. My parents are hopeless' "Hey Saiki. How about this one?" Kaidou held up a disk copy of Home Alone (anyone ever watch it?) Saiki use to love that movie. "Sure" 'Should I ask if we can get snacks for the movie' but before Kaidou could ask Saiki draged him to the kitchen to pick out a snack or two.
After that they ended up with a big bowl of popcorn, M&Ms, some chips, and of course Coffee Jelly. They went back upstairs and got situated and began the movie.

Why? (Saiki X Kaidou)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora