Chapter 12

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"Shun. Shun wake up, its time to go back." Kaidou sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Already?" He asked his voice still laced with sleep. Saiki nodded. "Fine" Kaidou got up and went to a mirror and ruffled up his hair so it looks like he was sleeping since 9. 'Ready?' Kaidou nodded walking over to Saiki. Saiki teleported to the bathroom in their hotel room. They made it just in time. As soon as they got into their beds a teacher burst into their room and turned on the lights. "Wake up you 3! Pack up quickly. We're leaving in 1 hour." With that he left the 3 boys to pack.

Time skip to end of day (Saikis house)

"KU! We're home!" Saikis parents said as they entered the house. 'Saiki are those your parents?' Kaidou asked. Saiki nodded 'Want to meet them?' Kaidou nodded. 'Come with me.' Saiki said as he grabbed Kaidous hand. Saiki teleported down to his parents. "Ku? Whos this? How does he know about your powers?"

(SpongeBob narrator voice) 1 hour later.

"Oh. That makes sense." Saikis mom turns to Kaidou. "I'm so surprised Ku found someone. I honestly never expected him to." 'Mom.' "Yes Ku?" 'Please shut up.' Kaidou burst out laughing. Saikis Mom started to laugh with him. Saiki had to stifle a laugh hoping no one noticed. But to his dismay his mom noticed. Suddenly she stoped laughing. "Ku? Are you feeling ok? You barely even smile and you just LAUGHED." Saiki rolled his eyes. 'Im fine mom.' "Ok Ku. Im going to make dinner. Is Kaidou going to stay over?" 'If he wants.' Saiki said as he looked over to Kaidou. "I-if its okay with you." Kaidou said. "Well theirs my answer. Im going to make some rice. It should be done in an hour or so. You 2 boys can go and have fun. I'll call you when dinners ready." Saiki nodded and took Kaidous hand while heading upstairs. They entered Saikis room and sat on Saikis bed. 'So what do you want to d~' Saiki couldent finish his telepathic thought. Kaidous lips where pressed to his. Saikis mind was a peaceful buzz. He enjoyed the somehow unpredictable surprises. Saiki melted into the kiss.

'I LOVE you Kaidou'

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