❁ Chapter 5 | harry

Start from the beginning

"I don't know what I'd write." I shrug with a little bit of hesitation.

"Your love story," Casey simply said. "From meeting to accidentally getting her pregnant, to proposing. People would find that interesting."

I think for a moment.

Would people really find that interesting?

Suddenly, I hear Casey gasp cutting my train of thought.

"Shit Harry, don't look now but Maggie is headed right your way," she says a little alarmed.

Oh fuck.

"Maggie?" I say with a look of fear on my face. "As in Maggie Sheppard?"

Is it too late to run out of this restaurant?

"Oh my god, Harry?" I hear a high pitched voice right behind me.

Maybe, if I sprint?

"Harry!" I hear once again.

I'd have to grab Lennon first. I can't just leave her.

Preparing myself for what's about to unroll, I hear my name being called for a third time and I look across the table at Casey for help, who is currently forcing a smile as Maggie walks over.

"Maggie! Hello." I smile trying my best to be polite.

"Oh my goodness Harry, it is you! Do you mind if I sit here? You won't mind right Cassy?" She says in a very fake tone, grinning at Casey before practically pushing herself next to her.

I can see Casey's clear annoyance at the way her name has been mispronounced before she deeply sighed and turned to Maggie with a very fake and exaggerated smile. "It's Case-"

"Whatever." Maggie interrupts, her blue eye's never leaving mine with her elbow leaning on the table and hand against her cheek. "Wow...look at you," she says eyeing me up and down. "It feels like forever since I've seen you. You look way hotter than I remember you being. I almost didn't recognize you at first." She giggles.

I hadn't spoken to or seen Maggie since my junior year of college. I'd always known she had a very clear and obvious interest in me from the moment we'd met, she was very forward but I couldn't help turn her down every time. She was just a tiny bit much for me and her intentions just never set right with me.

7 years later, her face had matured a bit more and she somehow looked almost the same as I'd last seen her, yet so different.

Letting out an awkward chuckle I thank her, "It's been a minute, hasn't it?" I say looking over to check on Lennon for a second time before looking back at Maggie.

She twirls a blonde piece of her hair around her manicured fingers before eyeing me up and down. "Haven't seen you since junior year," she smirks. "Remember that night at Deans?"

"I do." I respond with a nod.

I don't.

Honestly, I didn't remember much from that night. Only bits and pieces considering it was 7 years ago and I was very intoxicated. It was a kickback two years before I'd even met Nina and I'd gotten completely hammered. All I remember is waking up the morning with a horrible hungover.

Maggie had told me we'd done way more than oral just the night before, but I wasn't sure about that.

"And what a night it was." She winks before flirtatiously walking her fingers over the table and to my milkshake. She grasps the glass cup in her hand before sliding it in front of her and slowly drinking from my straw.

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