{Chapter 16}

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"You actually came!" Aphmau exclaimed, looking up at the man with the bandana.

"Yeah, sorry I'm late," Aaron apologized, shifting a box in his hand. "I brought your gift, though, if that makes up for it."

Aphmau's eyes grew with excitement. They had been planning this gift exchange for weeks before the party, and now they could finally give each other their Christmas gifts.

"You're fine! My gift for you is actually in my room, so just follow me."

Aaron closed the door and followed Aphmau upstairs, greeting guests as he walked by. He noticed Garroth and Laurance on the couch together and stopped. Laurance looked up at him.

"Is Garroth okay?" Aaron asked, pointing at the blonde in Laurance's arms.

"Sprinkles," Garroth murmured, unknowing of Aaron's presence.

"He'll be fine," Laurance brushed off. Aaron shrugged and continued to follow Aphmau.

When Aaron and Aphmau were finally in her room, Aphmau went straight for Aaron's present in her closet. Aaron turned around, closed the door, and sat on the bed with his present in hand.

Aphmau sat down on the bed with him, and they both exchanged gifts.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Aphmau jittered, too excited for Aaron's reaction to contain herself. "Let's open it at the same time!"

"Alright," Aaron laughed; in actuality, he was just as excited for her reaction as well.

Aphmau closed her eyes and motioned for Aaron to do the same.

Together, on the count of three, they ripped the wrapping paper off the box and opened their eyes.

Aphmau gasped, her hand coming up to cover her mouth. Tears pricked her eyes as a smile grew behind her hand.

"Aaron," she murmured, at a loss for words. Aaron was the same. He held the now-unwrapped box in his hands as a bittersweet smile grew on his face.

Both of them had given each other a figurine of the character they'd played in the video game they first met in.

Aaron couldn't even fathom the idea of this video game helping him live the life he has today. The video game that kept him sane during high school and college. How this video game acted like the butterfly that led into the effect of him meeting so many different people or, more specifically, one special person.

Aphmau couldn't believe that the two of them had the same idea for this gift exchange. So she guessed she wasn't the only one trying to be sentimental this year.

When her tears subsided, she finally got a good, clear image of the box. Immediately, her smile dropped into a thin line. Instead of looking at a beautiful cover image of her character's face. Someone, Aaron Lycan, drew in 8D.

"Oh Irene, I hate you."

Aaron noticed what she was looking at and started laughing uncontrollably. Replaying the image of Aphmau going from 'Oh my Irene, this is so cute and sentimental!' to 'What the fuck is this shit?" sent Aaron on a continuous spiral of laughter.

Aaron wrapped an arm around his stomach, becoming weak.

Aphmau was not amused and shoved him down onto the bed before crossing her arms.

Aaron fell back, his hood falling back to reveal his black hair. Aphmau crawled over to him and continued to glare into his bandana-covered eyes. Eventually, her facade faded, and a smile began to bloom instead.

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