{Chapter 8}

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{A/N: As promised, here's the next chapter!}

{A/N 2023: Another scene change in this one! This one is more centered around Aarmau.}


It's great for a plethora of recreational activities. From making snowmen to getting into snowball fights, snow is the perfect object to play with friends!

Now what makes snow even better? When you wake up thinking it's a nice sunny day but instead find out a couple feet of snow has covered your entire town.

This is exactly how Aphmau felt looking out the window after whispering sweet nothings to her precious Senpai. Time was of the essence!

Aphmau ran to Katelyn's room and started knocking rhythmically.

"Katelyn, do you wanna build a snowman~" Aphmau sang.

"Aphmau, I swear to the mother of Irene, do not finish that verse," Katelyn threatened, but it fell empty upon Aphmau's ears.

"Come on, let's go and...play," she finished.

"That's it!" Katelyn screamed. She threw the door open and began chasing a screaming Aphmau down the steps and out the front door.

"Oh my Irene! Katelyn, it was a joke! I didn't mean it! Please, have mercy!" Aphmau screamed, tripping face first into the snow outside. Katelyn struggled to not laugh at Aphmau's downfall but managed to keep a straight face as she flipped her over and pinned her down.

Kawaii~Chan, who had heard the entire ordeal go on, ran out to defend Aphmau from Katelyn's wrath. Her nose was an uncharacteristic shade of red, and Aphmau couldn't tell if it was from the cold weather outside or not.

"Katelyn~Sama, this can't go on. You have to stop!" KC shouted dramatically, a hand placed over her heart.

Katelyn tisked as she moved her head to the side, her hands clenching into the snow around her. She looked the Meif'wa dead in the eyes.

"It has to be done," she said gravely. The assault occurred in slow motion.

Katelyn reeled her arms back, both of her hands holding snow. Aphmau watched KC run toward her to try and stop Katelyn, but she was too late. Within her next breath, everything was white, and Aphmau's face felt frozen.

"It's what she deserves," Katelyn admitted, wiping the snow off of her hands as she stood up and stared down at the helpless victim below.

"Katelyn~Sama, that wasn't nice," Kawaii~Chan scolded, wagging her finger at her.

"I told her to stop singing. She brought this upon herself." Katelyn looked over at Kawaii~Chan. "By the way, sorry for hitting you in the face with a door."

"You did what?" Aphmau asked, although her voice was muffled by the snow. She stood up and wiped the snow off of herself. Looking around, she noticed that none of them had their coats on. They should probably get inside.

"Katelyn~Sama's a meanie," KC explained, glaring at the blue-haired girl. "But, apology accepted."


Garroth, Laurance, and Dante were lounging around in their living room, bored out of their minds.

The only exciting thing that happened to them that morning was when Garroth's book cover fell, revealing that he was reading Midnight: For-bitten Love. How mature...

Dante got up to stretch and look at the snow outside. Instead, he saw Katelyn brutally attack Aphmau.

"Hey guys," Dante started, "Katelyn's force-feeding Aphmau snow."

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