{Chapter 11}

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{A/N: So, I really suck at keeping promises, huh?}

Within the week, Katelyn had officially applied to a couple creative arts courses at the community college for the spring. She had to pick up a couple extra shifts at IHOP to help cover the costs, but she knew it'd be worth it in the end.

In the meantime, she was still writing her screenplay. A modern version of Romeo and Juliet. She wanted to create something that shed light on an overused high school classic and allowed the audience to sit back and laugh instead of analyzing its literary devices. Now that she was actually going to show this to the public, she became hyperaware of every sentence she wrote. Was this going to be good enough? What if people didn't like it? Was having Romeo say YOLO too cringy or hip with the kids?

Maybe she shouldn't have paid for those college classes.

At that thought, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She wouldn't get anywhere if her mind was clouded with doubt. Before she could open her eyes and continue writing the balcony scene, the doorbell rang. Katelyn didn't move; she never really opened up the door for anyone and always had Aphmau or Kawaii~Chan do it. The less human interaction for Katelyn, the better, but no one opened the door.

The doorbell rang again.

"Katelyn, can you go get the door?" Aphmau called out.

"Why me?" Katelyn called back.

"I just got out of the shower."

Katelyn groaned as she got up and walked down the stairs. By now, the person at the door had started knocking while saying "hello?" in a frail, old voice.

Great, Katelyn had to deal with an old person. This must have been her lucky day.

When she opened the door, she was not expecting to see an old woman with nine cats in sweaters. Katelyn eyed the woman up and down. Everything about this woman just screamed 'Crazy Cat Lady'.

"Hello there, Kawaii~Chan," the old woman greeted, peering at Katelyn as if she wasn't sure if she was talking to the right person or not.

"I'm not Kawaii~Chan," Katelyn replied, her tone flat.

The old lady laughed and told her that she didn't have time for jokes today. She then went on to explain to "Kawaii~Chan" that she'd be cat-sitting her nine cats while the old woman went to a vet appointment for her multiple other cats.

Each sentence that came out of that old woman's mouth was followed by a death threat from Katelyn along with the words "I'm not Kawaii~Chan!". The old lady continued to laugh her off and motioned for her cats to go inside the house before waving goodbye.

"Don't leave me here with these things!" Katelyn yelled at the crazy cat lady. "Come back here! I'll end you and your cats!" The old woman just waved back, clearly not knowing what she just said, and waddled off.

Katelyn slammed the door shut and called out for Kawaii~Chan, her eyes glued to the cats to make sure they didn't wander off. Kawaii~Chan never came down; instead, it was Aphmau.

"Where's Kawaii~Chan?" Katelyn demanded.

"She got asked to cover someone's shift today, remember?"

"Are you kidding me? Now what are we gonna do?" Katelyn asked as she dragged a cat away from the living room.

"Well, it looks like we're gonna have to cat-sit till Kawaii~Chan comes back home-" Aphmau was cut off as Katelyn frantically asked,

"Aphmau, I only see eight cats. Where's the other one?"

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