{Chapter 19}

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{A/N: Sup. Here's Christmas Day! I hope everyone had a nice winter holiday! I got the game OMORI over break and now my entire world revolves around it lol. Lowkey plan on writing a fanfic about it.}

"Laurance!" Dante called out, "There's a package here for you." Grabbing it and placing the package on the kitchen counter, Dante quickly made his way back to his room.

The boys originally had a plan for Christmas Day which involved the usual present exchange, hot chocolate, and classic holiday movies. Even though the plan was made verbally, its cancellation was silent.

Dante counted four presents under the tree. He knew exactly which two were missing.

He may have been an idiot at first, and technically he still was, but now the silence had become unbearable. Dante still didn't know what exactly happened between Garroth and Laurance, but he knew that this wasn't one of their typical fights.

There was no name-calling. No shouting. No anger.

Just grief.

If he didn't know any better, he would have thought someone or something had died, and in a way, he was right. The last time he had seen the two boys with one another was in the kitchen the day after Aphmau's party and before that...it was under the mistletoe.

Could that have triggered it?

No. There's no way. Garroth and Laurance were teased constantly about dating one another. This was no different, yet the two weren't seen together for the rest of the night. He couldn't see a problem with this.

Everyone knew they liked each other, so there was no way they'd be dense enough not to see it for themselves.

What if they didn't though?

He and the others tried so hard to attract these two magnets together without realizing they stood in the way of their connection.

"Laurance, come get your boyfriend! He's crying again!"

Fuck. They were always quick to deny it. They were always uncomfortable with the jokes, but everyone just kept going.

"Just get your boyfriend under control and no one will get blinded today."

This caused a rift between them, and the worst part was-

"He's not my boyfriend!"

their friends were the cause of it.


Laurance came into the kitchen not long after Dante had left, quickly grabbing the package and walking back to his room. The last thing he wanted right now was to run into Garroth, especially with what he had just gotten. He already had his gift ready for Garroth, but after their last encounter in the kitchen, he decided he needed to get this.

Just because things ended poorly between them didn't mean that they couldn't be revived. He can't imagine how Garroth must have felt after Laurance lied to him. Coming out wasn't an easy task to do even though Garroth knew he accepted him. Laurance wanted to show him that his support for him would never end.

He opened the box containing the original gift for Garroth, high-quality, multi-colored feathers. Guaranteed to make everyone attracted to you! At least that was what the label said. It was kind of a basic gift, but Garroth had mentioned his supply running low.

Laurance looked over at the package placed at his side and then back at the box. He reached into the box and removed all of the feathers, and then he ripped open the package.




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