{Chapter 14}

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{A/N: Alright you guys, I am on a roll! Look at me, updating on time, I'm such a good egg. Now that I've jinxed myself, I'll probably end up updating the next chapter late. Aside from that, I'll be making a tumblr account some time soon, and I'll let you guys know when it's available. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!}

8:30 P.M.

Aphmau continued on throughout the house, mingling with other guests, until she stopped dead in her tracks. Seeing something she thought couldn't be real, Aphmau took a few steps back and looked to her left, where the basement door was. It was wide open, and voices could be heard inside. Aphmau's mind quickly flashed to the abomination that lay inside.

The shipping shrine.

"OH NO, NOT AGAIN!" Aphmau exclaimed as she ran down the steps, making sure to close the door behind her so no one would try to walk in. She followed the voices until she reached the world's ungodly creation.

Right in front of the shipping shrine were Katelyn and Nicole.

"At least Nicole got Katelyn out of her room, but at what cost?" Aphmau asked herself, wondering if the outcome was worth it.

Aphmau didn't know if she should have made her presence known to the girls as they continued looking at the shrine. If she did, she didn't know how Katelyn would react. Katelyn might just go straight back to her room and lock herself in for the entire night.

"I can't believe Kawaii~Chan made this," Nicole admitted, "but I wouldn't put it past her."

"I know, right? I told you, she's a little nuts," Katelyn agreed.

""A little nuts" were not the words you told Kawaii~Chan earlier."

Katelyn groaned but ended with a sigh.

"I told you, it was in the heat of the moment. I know it was wrong to word it like that. It just-" Katelyn was cut off as her best friend finished her sentence.

"-makes you uncomfortable. I know," Nicole finished. "Yeah, poor Aphmau. I don't know how I'd feel if I had a shrine like this."

Katelyn went silent at the mention of Aphmau and allowed the conversation to fall. The two friends just looked at the shrine, deep in thought, until Katelyn spoke again.

"Do you think...do you think it was my fault?" she asked.

"No, definitely not. All three of you were to blame for the whole thing. You all have issues that you need to work on, and this was a wake-up call," Nicole denied.

"I guess, I mean, now I'm gonna...," Katelyn trailed off, not yet ready to finish the sentence. Nicole put a hand on Katelyn's shoulder.

"Hey," Nicole soothed, "this is a big step for you. I promise it will help. It worked for me, and I'm definitely sure anger management classes will work for you."

Aphmau's mouth went agape.

"She's actually going to anger management?" Aphmau thought to herself. She never expected Katelyn to do such a thing. She always ignored help like this, calling it weak even when everyone else said otherwise. She just hoped Katelyn didn't give up on herself during the classes. The last thing she wanted was for Katelyn to spiral out of control. It was probably still difficult for her to accept that she was going to get help. Katelyn had made a lot of big decisions recently, and Aphmau had been proud and supportive of her every step of the way. A bit too supportive, but supportive nonetheless.

"I hope. I'm just worried about Travis. I try, I really do try, not to snap at him, but it's just so hard!" Katelyn seethed, only clenching her fists as an expression of her anger. Nicole squeezed her shoulder.

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