{Chapter 13}

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{A/N: This is pretty early for me to upload a chapter. Hopefully I can keep it this way. Also, I've been thinking about making a tumblr blog for this. Right now this fanfiction is on Ao3 and Wattpad. If I make a tumblr I feel like it would be easier for me to update you guys on the book, answer questions, and remind you that I'm not dead. Let me know what you guys think!}

8:00 AM

Garroth was lying on Laurance's chest, wrapped snugly in his crush's arms, not realizing the situation he was in. To Garroth, this was probably just some nice dream he was having. All snuggled up next to someone he was in love with, feeling the warmth from his body and hearing his...heartbeat.

Laurance was thinking the same thing as Garroth. This had to be some kind of dream, right? Although he didn't remember when he went to bed, he sure didn't want to wake up now. He was all snuggled up with someone he liked, holding them in his arms, feeling the warmth from his body, and hearing his...heartbeat.

This was not a dream.

Both their eyes shot open as they stared at each other, now realizing their predicament. The two boys screamed as they toppled off the couch, switching their positions when they landed on the ground.

Their screaming had woken up Dante, who, in his confused state in the bathtub, started screaming as well.

Now everyone was screaming.

"Why were you sleeping on me?" Laurance yelled.

"Why were you holding me in your arms?" Garroth yelled back.

"You didn't answer my question!"

"You didn't answer mine either!"

"Help! Why am I in a bathtub?" Dante screamed from the bathroom. Suddenly, it dawned on the three of them exactly how they ended up like this.

"The cookies!" The three of them yelled.

Garroth and Laurance got off of each other and stood up to look at the menacing treat. Dante got out of the bathroom, rubbing the back of his sore neck.

"They tricked us," Laurance grumbled.

"Our pizza," Garroth whispered, pointing at the empty box on the coffee table.

"It's okay, Garroth." Laurance placed a hand on his shoulder. "It would've been stale by the time we woke up."

"Aww, man, I can't believe we let this happen to us. I completely forgot about what happened the last time Kawaii~Chan gave someone a cookie," Dante huffed, remembering the incident with Reese.

Garroth wiped a hand over his face, confused as to why black ink was smudged onto his hand.

"Umm, guys," Garroth called out, showing them his hand. Laurance cocked an eyebrow as he eyed his hand and face. Noticing the bit of black peeking out from the hair on his forehead, he lifted it up.

There, in all its glory, was written, "Garroth swallows!"

Both Dante and Laurance tried to stifle their laughter, but they failed. Bursting out into laughter and holding their sides, they crumbled to the floor. Garroth, incredibly confused, ran to the bathroom to see what was written.

"Oh my Irene!" Garroth screamed, recognizing the handwriting, causing his friends to laugh even more. "How was Zane even a part of this? I thought it was just the girls."

The laughter stopped, realizing now that the girls weren't the only ones in on this scheme. In fact, considering the position that Garroth and Laurance were in when they woke up and the message written on Garroth's head, they were implying...oh no.

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