Grabbing her wrist,I pulled her away from the counter,"Come on,it's time for you to go home.You are clearly drunk."

"No fair..why ..I'm ...I leaving? the party...isn't over..hiccc.."she said as she shrugged her shoulders.

" You are clearly drunk,Hailey,so let's go" I said with finality as she pulled her hand away from me.
"Noo!I...I...I.. won't you jerk ass!!You are alone." Before she could walk away from me,she staggered drunkenly and fell to the ground.
"Okay that's it,come here." I carried her by my shoulders as she screamed hitting my back with her clenched fists.

Once we were outside near my bike I put her down until she shouted at me,"What's your problem? hate..seeing me bugs you doesn't it?..Wow!.. Here I thought your looks match your personality"

Out of curiosity I asked," What do you mean?"

"I thought you were dashing,cuuute like Nana's hush puppies,but...sadly you..are not"she said as she pouted her lips.

" So you think I'm cute," I chuckled gleefully,maybe I'd get used to this new Hailey then the other moody one.

Twitching her fingers,with her eyes downcast she said,"Naaah Nana's hush puppies are still.....cuter than you...but there's someone else who's cuter than you and Nana's..hush..pu.ppies,"she stammered excitingly.

" Tell me,who"I asked, certainly praying she'd say her father instead of.....

" I'm..not's my.. little secret, shhhh!" Putting her finger on her thin full lips.

" Enough of this,Lily must be worried sick about you,so climb on.I'll take you home."I said as I settled on my bike.

" Ooh la la.A royal carriage..but..where are..the horses? I want horses or I'm..not... going to climb on!!"she cried.

" There are no horses so stop being stubborn,this is a bike not a carriage.Period!"she was acting a lot like Abby throwing her little tantrums.

" You're ...mean!I won't..go with.. you" she said while she sat down on the cold bare marble  path.

" Tell you what, I'll give you the special VIP section,you can sit in the front with me,but no disturbing okay?"I said.

" Yay.I pinky..swear..I won't.. disturb you..."as she raised her pinky and I smiled.
She climbed on and sat on my lap as I took her home.Eventually she fell asleep.

I knocked on the door as Lily opened the door with a maroon shawl over her shoulders.

"Oh,Hailey!Get in Liam,place her on the couch."she said as she closed the front door.

" Liam,I'm sorry.I hope she wasn't much trouble."she looked at me eyeing me from head to toe to make sure I was alright.

"Not at all," quite the opposite, she was a bundle of joy acting childish and all.

"I'll make sure she thanks you once she sobers up",she said as she walked me out.

Hailey's POV
My phone continuously buzzed,waking me up from my siesta.I felt a piercing pain in my head as I tried to recall what went on at the party yesterday.

Blurred images of trees and buildings moving at high speed came to mind as  I leaned on someone's chest.Oh no!What happened to me yesterday?Who was I leaning on?

"So you think I'm cute," Now I remember,Liam!!Oh God!I told him he was cute?!
Damn it, Hailey!!I hope I didn't say something stupid infront of him.

"Ouch,my head's gonna explode!" I said as mum entered my room with a tray full of chocolate cookies and coffee.

"That's what you get for drinking all night.You gave your word u'd look after yourself,if it wasn't for Liam bringing you home,u'd be lying in a gutter somewhere,"she said placing her hands on her waist as she lifted one of her eyebrows.

"Mum...please not right now.My head wants to pop out of my body,so please for your darling sweet daughter, don't scold me right now,"I said pleadingly.

" If you want me to stop scolding you then you must thank Liam,dear"she said and with that I covered my head with the sheets.

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Also I want to thank y'all who take time to give my story a shot!


Thanks a bunch
Love all my readers(๑˙❥˙๑)

Jojoestiel 🍂

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