Touch her again and your dead

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* Read Taken/NCT  22 Member LEAVE HER ALONE to understand this

Ryuu was walking to her bothers dorm, he invited her to his dorm for dinner. Their relationship had been getting better, it seemed a little awkward since her interaction with Jaemin. Arriving at the front door she was just about to nock on the door it swung  open revealing Johnny.
" Ryuu! It's so great to see you again." He said
" Good to see you too." She said smiling
" RYUUUUUUU!" Mark yelled pushing Johnny out of the way
" MARKKKKKK!" She yelled hugging him
" I missed you watermelon!" She said
" I missed you too Dragon!" He said
" Hands off my sister."
" Yuta... don't be so rude." Ryuu said walking over to him
" Well your my little sister, so I take care of you." He said

" Then where were you for the last 20 years of my life." She mumbled walking over to Lucas's hugging him
" Why do you only hug Mark and Lucas?" Yuta asked
" Born the same year and I get along with them just fine." She said patting Lucas's shoulder, she stopped walking and walked backwards over to Lucas's.
" Dude since when have you've been so muscular?" She asked
" Working out and I've seen you've been busy." Lucas said eyeing her neck, her eyes widened hearing that. She grabbed his arm and pulled him aside to the kitchen.
" Who's the lucky guy?" Lucas asked smirking
" Shut up! Is it that noticeble?" She asked
" No, but I know it's there." He said smiling
" It's your fault." She whispered

" Are you two done?" Mark asked walking over to them
" I'll beat you up next time." She said walking over to Mark
" I'd love to see you try." Lucas said laughing
" I might be shorter than you but I can play sports like a god!" She yelled walking away from them
" Sure you are!" He yelled back
" Dude she's good at everything, when I mean everything good at EVERYTHING." Mark said
" How good?" Lucas asked
" To the point where she beat me." Mark whispered
" Oh man- she is good." He said walking over to the others
" I know right!" Mark responded following him

She was bored, not like her bothers members were boring because they weren't, but it just felt weird not seeing Lexa around her.
" Ryuu can we talk outside?" Yuta asked
" Huh why?" She asked
" Just follow me." He said getting up
She followed him as he closed the door, she could see he wasn't too happy with his expression.
" Do you have a tattoo?" He asked
" And what if I do?"
" Ryuu you know that I don't like it when you get things done without my knowledge!"
" I didn't need to ask you! Plus my life not yours."
" But I'm still your brother! Older brother!"
" For the last 12 years I didn't need you, I had to learn a whole new language without you! I did everything without you! Only to find out that you came to Korea as well! Do you know how hard I trained to debut with Ateez? Do you? Because I know you know that you will never know the feeling of being rejected over and over again! Because it just sucks."
" I know I haven't been the best- Lexa? "
Turning around they both saw it, Lexa down on the floor being attacked by a group of girls, Winwin notice Yuta's and Ryuu's expression change quickly. He followed them and saw Lexa.
" LEAVE HER ALONE!" Ryuu yelled
" LEXA!" Yuta yelled

" Get your hands off her!" She yelled
" How are you?" The blonde one asked
" Ryuu Nakamoto I'm a singer and Lexa's friend." She said
" Your a nobody!" Holly yelled falling on the floor making Lexa able to escape
" Oh yeah...can I nobody do this?" She asked slamming one of the girls to the floor, that's when Yuta stepped in. Placing his arm in front of Ryuu trying to hold her back it didn't work. Seeing a hand come twords his sister he instantly smacked the girls hand away leaving the rest to Ryuu.
" I'd advised that you leave before things get ugly, we're high profiled people so get lost." Ryuu said pushing Holly out of the way
" What are you guys? Celebrities? That's so funny!" She snorted
" Uinne do you know who I am?" She asked pointing at a lady
" Yeah your Ateez's Ryuu!" The lady said excitedly
" Please forgive for what I'm about to do Atiny! I am truly sorry!" She said bowing
" What the hell are you doing bitch?!" Holly yelled
" Getting ready to nock some sense into your small brain." Ryuu yelled , that's when she slapped Ryuu it was now clear that Ryuu had an exuse to punch Holly in the face. And that's what she did, it didn't hurt the girl it just made her look like a complete dumbass for laying a hand on her.
" Touch her again and your dead." She hissed grabbing Holly by the collar and throwing her on the floor. Walking inside she left a great pain run through her body.
" Bitch did a number on me." She mumbled quietly Yuta noticed a cut on her face, rushing over to her he cleaned the small cut on her face.
" It's not that serious." She mumbled
" Really? Because right now your trending on Twitter for protecting Lexa. It isn't a bad thing just don't do anything stupid again."
" Whatever..."

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