Chapter 29 - My Memories

Start from the beginning

"What would you say if I said...that I think...I you." I finally spat out.

As soon as I said that there was a loud crash as the door swung open revealing an extremely pissed Hikaru.

"Were you ease dropping!?" I exclaimed.

"So what if I was!? Did you just say what I think you just said?" He yelled back at me, his teeth clenched together.

"Yeah! What of it?" I spat. "Its not like you give two shits about me! All you ever do is glare at me as if I insulted you're mother or something!"

"That has nothing to do with this!"

"Hell yes it does! You're acting so pissed about it! If you really liked me, you wouldn't be such an ass toward me! Kaoru's kind, unlike you! He actually puts others before himself! He's hurting just like you are, but unlike him you decided to push your pain back into me just so that you could feel the tiniest bit better! But Kaoru pushed his feeling to the side so that I wouldn't feel even worse about myself after I got you two mixed up!" I screamed, holding back tears again. "You don't think I'm hurting too? For some reason, I don't know why, but whenever you glare at me, yell at me and even now I feel like I'm the worst human being alive. I feel like I'm worthless and don't amount to anything! It's like you want me to hate myself! I know you hate me! But you're too selfish to care and to notice others feelings! You have to be told how people feel or you'll never know!"

"That's not true! I don't hate you! And I don't want you to hate yourself!" He argued.

"Then why do you keep glaring and yelling at me when I haven't done anything wrong purposefully!?"

"Enough the both of you!" Kaoru interrupted.

"Oh and you can shut it and all!" Hikaru shouted at his brother. "I bet you planned this as soon as you found out Kino lost all memory of us!"

"No I didn't! I was trying to help you! It was obvious you weren't gonna liven up anytime soon and if we both went in her bad book then she would never remembered us!"

"And what do you know?"

They broke out into a full on fist fight.

"Stop it! The both of you!" I screamed.

I tried to push them apart, but I only ended up getting hit backwards by Hikaru.

That's when time seemed to slow down.

They stopped fighting and looked over to me, mid-fall. That's when I noticed it. There was a ray of light spilling in through the window, reflecting of something off my neck and into my eyes.

It was a heart necklace.

'This necklace... Where did I...?'

Flash! Ring! Bang!

"You have a really pretty face ya know."

"And you have a very direct way of approaching people, ya know."

"Feisty, I like that"

"Weirdos, I don't like that."

"I love you Kino."

"I love you too, Hikaru."

All the memories were flooding back all at once. Even the pain of what Tyler made me do.

Suddenly the world went back to normal speed and I landed with a thump.

"Kino!" All three of them yelled out, rushing to my side.

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