Chapter 6-Emotional Apologies

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Sans' Point Of View

I was kinda worried... Gaster has never been that mad at my teasing... He has been that mad before but never at my teasing...

I let out a sigh. I felt an arm of comfort on my hand. I looked up to see (E/c) orbs staring at me.

Ah.... I forgot that I had made it back to this room...

I was currently sitting on (Y/n)'s 'bed'... And yet I wasn't even looking at her...

"Heh... Sorry kiddo... Guess I wasn't paying attention... Did ya want something?"

She gave me a worried glance as she got up and stood in front of me.

I have always been a short skeleton... So of course, her having an adult body, she towered over me.

But I didn't feel threatened. She didn't give off that kind of vibe.

She kneeled down in front of me and looked into my eye sockets, probably looking to see what's wrong with me.


She managed to somehow muster out my name while searching for my emotions... What she didn't know is that I have been great at hiding my emotions for years... And yet... She found them.

She must've found my emotions somehow... Which is weird.... Even Gaster has a hard time finding my true emotions... But somehow... This girl found them instantly...

She quickly wrapped her arms around me in a form of a comforting hug.

"D...on...t cr...y S...ans..."

This shocked me... She struggled but somehow managed to get a full sentence out!

Then I felt something set on my shoulder. I looked down at her to see she was crying.... Sheesh... She was really emotional huh?

I sigh and let a smile grip my face, this one somehow genuine.

I took her shoulders and got her off mine. I made her look me in the eyes, showing her that I wasn't crying.

She smiled happily and wiped away the tears.

Jeez.... I would have never knew that an artificial human could cry.... But here we are...

We were quickly interrupted by a cough. I look up to see Gaster trying to get our attention.

He looked quite surprised by the view before him... And.... Did I see a tiny of anger. I blinked and the anger was gone... Must've been my imagination....

By this time, (Y/n) had ran over to Gaster and was currently pulling him over to our little group.... It kinda reminded me of Paps...

She soon gets Gaster over to our little group of misfits and she sits back down on her 'bed'.

She motions for Gaster to sit down as well... Which he does.

"Hey doc... Guess what!"

He gives me a wary stare.

"What Sans?"

I smile at (Y/n).

"(Y/n), although struggling, said a sentence."

Gaster widened his eyes.

"Is that so?"

I nod and motion at (Y/n).

"Go ahead kiddo! Show him what ya got!"

She looks confused for a second before her face lightens up.

She looks over at Gaster before looking sad.

Gaster looked at her confused.

"Di...d I"

Gaster's eyes widen. She did indeed say a sentence!

I look at Gaster with a smug smile that basically shouted 'Told Ya So!'

He rolled his eyes and looked back at (Y/n).

"No dear. You didn't upset me. I'm sorry if I made you feel that way."

She looked at him, curiosity hidden in her eyes.

Gaster just sighed at her curiosity.

"Curiosity killed the cat you know? Best if you don't know why I ran off."

I snorted at this. He really was embarrassed! All he did was blush! It's a normal reaction! I mean she is really adorable! She reminds me of a small child learning to speak... In fact...

"Hey G! Doesn't she kinda remind you of Paps with her personality?"

Gaster ponders this for a bit before nodding in agreement.

"Well... What if we let them meet?"

Gaster, clearly excited by this idea, quickly goes off to find Papyrus.

This was gonna be fun!

~Experiment~ {Yandere Gaster X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now