Reflection: Jikook AU Chapter 10

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The senior dance showcase was well under way when Taehyung finally managed to get into the auditorium. He hoped he had not missed Jimin's performance, but if he did there was no help for it. He had spent the last hour with the dean of his department and the owner of a local photography shop that had taken an interest in his presentation. He had been discussing a possible job opportunity, and secured a personal interview with the owner, who wanted to see more of his portfolio as well as a demonstration of his photography skills. It was promising, so he could only hope that the next meeting was just as impressive.

He finally located Jungkook, who was peering around for him, keeping a seat open next to him anxiously. He had seen little of Jungkook these past few weeks, mostly at lunch because he was so busy with his community play rehearsals, finishing his end of year essays, and studying for his finals. Taehyung's girlfriend had returned from the Phillipines too, so he had been spending a little extra time with her making up for lost time. He slid into the seat and leaned toward Jungkook who looked relieved. "Has Min gone yet?"

"No, he is in the last block. I think he is third."

"Oh, good. I didn't miss it. I am supposed to record it for Hobi. He had to work and couldn't get out of it." Taehyung fumbled around for his phone in his pocket.

"They are recording it for all of the dancers. You don't have to worry about it." Jungkook pointed down at a row of cameras that were getting different angles of the stage. "The grad classes will be using it for their classwork or something. JHope-hyung will get a copy of the entire night's performance. There was a blithering about it at the beginning. That's why no one is allowed down by the stage itself, and we can clap, but not go wild."

"Makes sense." Taehyung sagged back into his seat with a sigh and peered at the stage. The dancer was good, but she seemed a little disjointed because of her nerves. Well, I hope that Min's nerves don't get the best of him. There are several people in this audience that want him to be able to do his best, and I am one of them.

They watched several of the dancers before Jungkook sat bolt upright and grinned. "Jimin-hyung is next!" Taehyung smirked at Jungkook's obvious excitement. Jungkook drew in a sharp breath when he saw Jimin take the stage in a loose fitting silvery colored outfit, the shirt billowing gently with the wind from the fans offstage as he took his place off center and bowed to the professors who would be grading his performance as his final exam.

"What is the name of the song? I know it was composed that friend of his." Taehyung leaned closer and whispered to Jungkook, who was on the edge of his seat and the music hadn't started yet.

"Reflection. I think that is what RM-hyung told me. Shh."

The music started and Jimin waited 4 counts before he started moving to the beat of the song, the choreography flowing from his body as effortlessly as breathing. His movements were as controlled as the meaning of the song, each shift, gesture and step echoing as the words filtered through the speaker. Namjoon's voice poured out his deepest feelings and inner desires while Jimin translated it into a visual expression.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook, who was watching every move Jimin made, barely breathing. Well, well, well! I wondered a few weeks ago, and it is blatantly obvious now. My best friend is in love with my brother.

It was almost as though he were hypnotized, as Jungkook barely blinked. The song was almost heartbreaking, and Jimin's dance made you feel the music, not just hear it. It is so palpable you can almost touch the raw emotion. "He's so lonely." Jungkook whispered faintly as Taehyung leaned in better to hear him. "He doesn't have to be." If only I could be the one to fill that loneliness, I wouldn't be either.

A Reflection is Not Only What I Need: A Jikook AU CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now