Reflection: Jikook AU Chapter 1

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A Reflection is Not All I Need: A Jikook AU Complete

"Hey, Tae." Jungkook glanced up as a bag was flopped on the table next to him followed by a more carefully placed camera case. Taehyung had learned in his first year not to toss a camera on the cafeteria tables. You end up paying for it—again. Jungkook held out an apple slice. "Want one?"

Taehyung leaned down and took a bite of the offered one. "Maybe when I get back. Where are the others?"

Jungkook dipped the apple in the fruit dip and started eating again. "Dunno. I got out of class early and came straight here. Maybe they are running late. You know how lazy hyung can be."

"Hmm. Well, I am going to get my food. You need anything else?"

"Nah, I'm good. Unless you want to get me some more carrot sticks." Jungkook grinned and ducked as Taehyung tried to swat at his hair.

"I swear you are a rabbit, always eating carrots." Taehyung left to get his food as Jungkook went back to eating and observing people. The performing arts major had developed the habit so he could translate it to his characters on the stage. He wanted to be a director one day, so he had to know how to read people. It would come in handy if he could be able to interpret body language when he actually was in the market for a job.

First through the door was a pretty music major named Spice. She had a bad habit of turning her nose up at the food in the cafeteria line and would only get food on alternate days. At first, Jungkook thought she was a picky eater, but instead, he found out that she only ate when her friends were not around to see her eat. It was strange to say the least but he did not pry any further to understand the underlying cause of it.

Next was a set of twins, one boy and one girl, Eun Lee and Eun Cha. He actually knew them fairly well; they shared a class together in the early mornings and talked occasionally. He was the chatterbox, her not so much. They came from the Gwangju district. She was serious about her schooling and was working to get a culinary degree, while he was getting a business degree. Together, they planned on opening a restaurant after they finished school.

Finally, a familiar smaller male came through the door which caused Jungkook to smile as he straightened in his seat. This is rare. He eyed the man weaving expertly through the foot traffic in the cafeteria never really touching anyone, hoping that he would come his direction. His graceful moves indicated he was a dance major. Jimin always turned heads when he came in but it was unusual that he graced the cafeteria with his presence, especially at this time of the day. Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows and slowly dropped the smile as he got a good look at Jimin as he stopped at another table and say something to one of its occupants, turning down an offer of food before weaving through people again melting into the crowd. Jungkook sighed and slumped. Damn. His best friend's brother was dieting again. He didn't have proof, but he was certain of it. It was the way the skin tightened around his eyes, the way he always seemed to radiate tired, the fact that his clothing hung loosely from his shoulders. He also seemed to be hiding a limp as his movements were slightly stilted, but it could have been because of the growing crowd he had to skirt. Why is no one else noticing though? They can't be blind.

He was so lost in thought that he jumped, snapping his head toward his best friend who flopped into his seat. Trying to play it a little nonchalantly , he overacted by clutching at his chest dramatically as Taehyung set his tray down on the table next to him. "Damn! You scared the hell out of me!"

Taehyung snorted, used to Jungkook's quirky behaviors, and took one of the bowls from his tray to set it on Jungkook's tray. "There are your damn carrots. What had you so monofocused you forgot I was coming back? Some girl you found?" He looked over the throng of people filtering in to see who might have caught Jungkook's attention. "The girl with the red backpack perhaps?"

A Reflection is Not Only What I Need: A Jikook AU CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now