The Babies Are Comimg

Start from the beginning

Cordelia "Yes they are."

Soon after Cordelia falls asleep and Daniel puts the twins into the cribs in the hospital room so he can sleep himself.

The next day.

Cordelia was resting in the hospital bed while Daniel was getting ready for the day.

Daniel "Is your mother coming to see the twins today?"

Cordelia "As far as I know yes."

Daniel "Do you know when she is coming?"

Cordelia "She is coming sometime later in the day."

Daniel "Alright. I am going to go down to the cafe and get us some breakfast."

Cordelia "Alright."

Daniel "Is there anything specific you want from the cafe?"

Cordelia "Can you please get me a croissant with eggs and some coffee."

Daniel "Alright I will be right back with our food as soon as possible."

Cordelia "Thank you dear."

Daniel "Your welcome."

Daniel leaves to go get breakfast for him and Cordelia. Daniel returns 10 minutes later with the food for him and Cordelia.

Daniel "Here is your croissant with eggs and coffee."

Cordelia "Thank you."

Daniel "Your welcome."

Daniel and Cordelia eat their breakfast and not long after the twins start crying.

Alexander "Waaaawaaa."

Adeline "Waaaawaaaa."

Cordelia "Here give me one."

Daniel "Alright."

Daniel hands Adeline to Cordelia and he takes Alexander. Soon after they get the twins to settle down.

Cordelia "I bet they are hungry."

Daniel "They probably are."

Cordelia "I will feed Adeline first and then I will feed Alexander."

Daniel "Alright, I will change their diapers."

Cordelia fed Adeline while Daniel changed Alexander's diaper and then they switched so that Cordelia could feed Alexander and Daniel could change Adeline's diaper.

Cordelia "We did a good job."

Daniel "Yes we did do a good job."

2 hours later.

Cordelia is reading her book while Daniel is reading the newspaper when there is a knock on the door.

Cordelia "Come in."

Nurse "There is a visitor here to see you. Can I her up?"

Cordelia "Yes you may send her up."

Nurse "Alright I will go down and tell her she can come up."

5 minutes later.

There is another knock on the door this time Elizabeth walks in.

Elizabeth "How are you doing Cordelia?"

Cordelia "I feel fine I am just a bit tired still."

Elizabeth "That is good."

Cordelia "Yes it is."

Elizabeth "How are my grandchildren?"

Cordelia "They are good."

Elizabeth "What are their names?"

Cordelia "Their names are Alexander and Adeline."

Elizabeth "Those a such pretty names."

Cordelia "Me and Daniel did have a hard time choosing but those are the names we finally chose for them."

Elizabeth "Well I like them."

Cordelia "Thank you."

Daniel "Yes Thank you."

Elizabeth "Your welcome. When do you get to bring them home?"

Daniel "We get to bring them home in 2 days."

Elizabeth "That will be nice."

Cordelia "It will be."

Elizabeth "May I hold one."

Cordelia "Of course."

Elizabeth picks up Adeline for a little bit and then she picks up Alexander. Elizabeth Cordelia and Daniel talk for the rest of the time until Elizabeth leaves.

Elizabeth "Goodbye dear."

Cordelia "Goodbye Mother."

2 days later.

Cordelia and Daniel arrived home from the hospital with the twins. Daniel got the twins out of the car and brought the inside.

Cordelia "We should take them to their room to show them their room."

Daniel "Sounds good to me."

Cordelia and Daniel unbuckled the twins from their car seats and took them into their room.

Cordelia "What do you think of room Alexander and Adeline?"

Daniel "I think they like it."

Cordelia "Well that is good because we did a great job on it."

Daniel "We did."

Cordelia "Let us show them the rest of the house

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Cordelia "Let us show them the rest of the house."

Daniel "Alright dear."

Cordelia and Daniel showed them the rest of the house and then put them in their cribs for a nap.

Cordelia "I am going to go cook dinner."

Daniel "Alright love."

Cordelia made dinner and then after dinner Daniel and Cordelia took care of the twins and then went and got into bed.

Cordelia "I love our little family!"

Daniel "I love our little family as well."

Daniel and Cordelia kisses each other and then went to bed.

I hope you liked this chapter. Only a couple more chapters left until this book is finished.

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