At Michael house

Cinder got back not knowing linket and Michael aren't around as they had gone to camp crystal lake with Freddy and lea. as Freddy and lea had a idea to draw cinder there and try and kill her to put her out of her Misery. while cinder found out that Michael and Linket aren't at the house as she left knowing where they are as she flys off.

At camp crystal lake

Cinder was flying through the cloud's to hide herself while Linket and Michael are hiding in a closet of a cabin a bit squished togeather as linket blushes a bit. while cinder lands on the dock of the lake and scans around while she walks off the dock not knowing that lea and Freddy are behind her. then cinder heard the dock creek from lea foot step as cinder turns around and growls while lea was about to claw her but cinder grabs lea wrist. then cinder pulls her knife out and stabs lea in the stomach making her gasp in pain as cinder shoved lea in the lake. while Freddy eyes widen and claws cinder in the chest making her growls and grabs him by the throat chocking him then throws him into the lake. while he swims after lea then cinder walks of the dock sniffing around while she walks around a bit like Michael. Then cinder listens for a heartbeat while she then see her husband's spirit while he then ponits to the cabin were linket and Michael are hiding while cinder walks in and walks around sniffing and listening. as linket gets a bit nervous while she and Michael heard cinder foot steps and heard them coming upstairs to were they are as cinder says. we're are you Mikey I can smell you and Linket. she chuckles a bit while running her claws along the wall as she walks by the closet that there in to a room. While she then barged through the door breaking it like Michael would do sometimes. As cinder looks around as she then heard linket slight gasp from cinder going through the door before Michael covered her mouth as cinder turns her head and smirks going to the closet as she says. that's were you both are now open the door or I'll rip it off or rip it open with my knife. Freddy appears behind her and says. touch them bitch and I'll claw you. cinder turns around while Freddy trys to stab her with his claws while she grabs his wrist crushing it making him groan in pain while she shoved him through the railing sending him onto a table. While he lays there knocked out while cinder turns around and shoves her knife through the door almost hitting linket in the head. while cinder continues stabbing the door making a hole sticking her snout in there and says. when I get through this door I'll drown you both. Linket hides behind Michael while cinder kicks the door in shattering it then Michael draws his knife and starts knife fighting cinder as she fights back. while Linket stays behind Michael into cinder starts stabbing him in the stomach violently while holding his wrist as cinder says. you think Laurie is bad I'm worse. while cinder stabs Michael one last time in the stomach he collapsed passed out for a moment. while Linket runs off while secretly thinking off a plan as cinder follows her walking.

At the dock

Linket runs to the dock as she stands at the end while cinder walks after her while Linket turns around as cinder walks on the dock holding her knife. while cinder grabs linket by the throat and drags her to the ground of the lake and shoves her head in the water. while cinder smirks not hearing Michael behind her into he grabs her by the ears of her helmet making her growls releasing linket while Michael throws cinder across the lake into the deepest end of the lake. While cinder lands in the water as she gose under the water as she growls under the water while Michael picks up linket as she had passed out while he lays her next to lead as lea was laying on the ground with her hands on her stomach as she says to Michael. she is like you she can't be defeated. the only way to get her away from you and Linket is to get her taken away to a slasher sanitarium. that's were I was before I broke out cinder has the mind of nitray and has the fighting ability of the devil becareful. Michael nodes understanding as he waits for cinder to come to the surface as lea groans a bit in pain.

Michael Myers and Linket (my oc) Where stories live. Discover now