Chapter 17 ~Mine~

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-a few days later-

I woke up, saying good morning to Happy and then pulled myself into the bathroom,  hurrying up and then I headed to the kitchen. My foster mom, Amanda, was hard at work, cooking breakfast. Happy ran down the stairs, jumping on the counter and began hissing. I followed his gaze and saw a mouse walking across the carpeted floor.

I sighed, "Happy you're supposed to be the hunter, not the prey. Ma, can I hang out with some friends after school?"

"Do I know them? Where they live? Who dey mama? Clean their kitchen? Clean your room? Fold your clothes? Did you walk the dog?"

"Ma we dont have a dog."

She shrugged, "Ok then."

"Thanks ma! See you afterschool!" I ran out before she could change her mind.

I walked to school alone, thinking mostly about Gray. When I got to school I saw him standing outside,  alone. I walked up to him, ready to hug him when I got to him, but a second before I could Levy and Lucy ran past me. I picked up pace immediately, getting to Gray first and looking at them. I pulled Gray into my arms, looking at them, "Mine."

Gray laughed, looking at me. He was smiling like an idiot, as usual. Lucy and Levy looked at eachother with evil grins on their faces. "Oh Natsu." They said, walking over. I tightened my grip on Gray, still smiling, challenging the girls. They grabbed both of my arms, grabbing me and tossing me into a bush. Wow they were strong. When I stood up, getting out of the endless amounts of shrubs and saw that Levy and Lucy were each on an arm.

"Wow." I heard, then looked over, seeing Loke laughing, "You sure got told this time Natsu. Our girls kick ass!"

I looked at the two, challenge accepted. I walked forward, standing in front of the two of them. Gray looked at me, questioningly. I gently pushed him back, grabbing the light girls, one in each arm and picked them up, carrying them over my shoulders and then I set them down by their boyfriends, "These two belong to you two."

I walked back over to Gray, "This one belongs to me."

They looked up at Gajeel and Loke. "Alright." They sighed in defeat.

Loke picked up Lucy bridal style, staring down at her, "You don't need a kid like Gray when you have a handsome lover right here."

"Yeah, you're right. I do have a... well I have you so... I guess that works"

We all laughed, heading into school. I remembered we had essays due in english. The prompt was about what love really means and I hadn't even started it yet. So in homeroom I quickly threw one together, finishing it just as the bell rang. Gray looked over my shoulder, looking at it.

"You know you have to have it memorized,  right?" He laughed quietly by my ear.

"Oh crap! I'm so going to fail this! Ahhh!"

Gray laughed a bit louder,  "Hopefully Miss Mira doesnt pick on you to recite it in front of the class. He walked to the door, then was dragged out of it. I put my stuff in my bag and went to see who had taken him. When I got there I saw 6 or 7 girls surrounding him. They were all asking him questions at the same time.

I walked up, "Excuse me ladies, but I need to talk to Gray."

"No. Gray needs to explain to me why he cheates on me." One girl with dark brown hair snapped. I looked at Gray.

"Natsu it isnt what you think, just let me explain, uhh guys! A little help!"

I saw Jellal, Rogue, Sting and Zeref walking down the hallway, heading to P.E. The girls jumped on Gray, slapping him and punching him.

"Natsu!  A little help?" Stinng asked, pulling the girls away. Or attempting to at least. I helped pull the rest of the girls off, then helped Gray up and stood between him and them.

"Look, we have to get to class. Bye." I took Grays hand, pulling him along to the gym, but we stopped right outside of it. "You're CHEATING on me?"

"What, no! Natsu I dated her a year ago and ever since then she's been shoving herself onto me. I dumped her because she was too clingy. I didn't think she'd try coming after me again since I was dating you. I swear, Natsu, I would never cheat on you."

I looked at him, "Alright. Just don't forget." I leaned close to his ear, "You are mine."

"I wont forget. Love you."

"Love you too."



Theres another chapter for you guys! I hope everyone had a great new years day and is ready for the upcoming crazy year. I can tell this one is going to be better than any so far because this year I finally turn eighteen and get to start my own adventure of life. But until thst time comes im going to keep writing for all these amazing people that ive met on wattpad! Thanks for everything guys!


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