Chapter 10 ~She left me~

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We finished watching frozen while cuddling on the couch where Erza and Jellal had been, "So Natsu, why do you wear that scarf everywhere?" I asked.

He looked down, taking it in his hand, "My real father gave it to me when I was seven. Before he left my mom."

"Oh." Sounds a lot like my parents. He got up, ready to leave.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow." He left, walking home.

But I couldn't stop thinking about what the letter had said. It was killing me. I didn't want to leave my friends. I didn't want to leave Jane. I didn't want to leave Natsu.

Thinking that, I fell asleep on the couch. When I woke up I saw it was 7:45. Jane walked down the stairs, seeing me on the couch.

"Gray Fullbuster! I thought I told you that you couldn't sleep on the couch!"

"Jane, I-"

"And why are you still in your clothes from yesterday?!?! Do you even know what time it is?!?!?"

I looked at the clock above the entrance to the living room, "7:47"

"Don't be a smart ass! Go to you're room and get changed. Hurry up or you'll be late for school." I ran upstairs while hearing her grumble to herself about how teenagers were satans spawn. I got dressed in two minutes then brushed my teeth and ran downstairs. "Wear a jacket! Today's going to be really cold!"

"I don't need one. I'll be fine."

"Gray, put on a coat. Now!"

I sighed, grabbing a jacket and heading out the door. When I got to school everybody was just walking inside. Levy saw me and turned, running and giving me a hug. I smiled, hugging her back. Lucy ran up to me too and Erza joined them. That was suprising.

"You guys ok?" I asked. They looked at me and nodded. We all went inside, into the warmth of the building. When I got there Natsu wasn't there. That was wierd. He never skipped school and he told me last night that he would see me today. I sighed, wishing I had a cell phone. I was pretty much the only person who didn't have one in our entire school. It sucked. I watched at the time went by. Lucy hung out with Loke all of homeroom and didn't pay much attention to me. For that, I was thankful. I finally got to let my breath out. That ended in P.E.

Sting wasn't in class. Oh yeah. He was with his mom trying to get a job and the interview was during school. Today in P.E. was a free day since GIldarts wasn't here. I was bored so I grabbed a basketball and started shooting at the basket. I had made three three-pointers when the overhead came on.

"Can Gray Fullbuster come to the office? Gray Fullbuster to the office."

I looked up, then noticed my shirt was on the basketball hoop. "How do you even manage Gray?" Loke laughed from behind, resting his head on Lucy's.

I shook my head smiling, "I have no idea."

I ran and jumped, grabbing the shirt and tearing a long hole in the front of it. Great. Thank god I brought that coat. I put it on and zipped it up, heading to the office. When I got there I saw a police officer standing there. Oh god. What did I do this time? Not like I'd gotten in any trouble with the police before.

"Are you Gray Fullbuster?"

I nodded.

"Well, I hate to be the one that has to tell you this, but your foster mom, Jane Hill, was killed in a car crash this morning. That is all." He began to walk away. I stood still for a second, not believing what he said. I ran out of the office and past the officer then outside.

"It didn't happen. It couldn't have. She's going to be home when I get there." I kept saying to myself as I ran up the doors to my house, but didn't hear anything. "Jane! Jane!"

No awnser. I ran up to the study, she wasn't there. I checked her bedroom. She wasn't there either. I went to look in the garage and her car was gone. I couldn't have happened. Could it have?

"JANE!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, bursting into tears when I ran out of breath.


Three hours later I heard voices coming from the entrance, then I remembered that I had left it open. Whatever. I didn't care.

"Gray! Guys! He's over here!" I heard Natsu yell. "Gray. Gray!"

"What!" I snapped, glaring at him. He stepped back, staring at me in disbelief. "What the hell do you want?" (Srry for lang)

He backed up, "Gray..."

"Just go away! Get the hell away from me!!!" I yelled, hugging my knees close to my chest. "I'm done with people leaving me! I hate you all! I hate everyone! Get away from me!!!"



D: :'( this killed me to write. I'm done. I hate myself. :O 414 reads!! Thx!! I'll try to get another one up before I go to sleep. I also have a bit of a competition type thing. Whoever is the last one to comment wins. Ready? Set? GO!


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