Chapter 8 ~Please don't cry~

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Gray was crying. MY Gray was crying. I bent down, inches away from his face.

"Gray, who made you cry?" I put my hand on his back, trying to comfort him.

He jumped a little at my touch, then looked up at me. I saw his eyes full of tears and wanted to hurt someone for doing this to him. "It's *sniff* nothing."

"Gray,  please don't lie to me." I said, hurt inside. He sucked in a giant breath and let it out, trying to calm down. I rubbed his back.

"There's a reason I dont celebrate my birthday. A long time ago,  before I met Jane, my brother and mother walked out on me. They walked out on me on my birthday eleven years ago. That's why I dont celebrate. They were the only people I had that I loved and they walked out on me."

I expected him to get mad but he just broke down crying again. "Shh."

"I always ask myself what I did wrong. What did I do that made my mother want to disown me. Every time I close my eyes I see them. I put on a smile day after day but it's hard. It's so hard. I cant do it anymore. I-"

I pulled him close to me, immediately shutting him up. He stared at me with tears still in his eyes. I could feel tears threatening to fall from my eyes also. "I dont know why they left you,  Gray. I dont know if you did anything wrong and I dont have the answers you're looking for.  I'm sorry for that. But I do know that you don't have to put on a smile for the people around you. All of your friends love you and will be there for you. I also know that you loved them and I know that your friends could never replace them,  but we're here and we aren't going anywhere for a while. Gray look at me."

He sniffed. I loosened my embrace so he could look at me.

"I love you Gray Fullbuster. I have since the minute I layed my eyes on you, and it kills me to see you cry. Please don't cry." Great, now I'm crying. "I'll never leave you if you promise me you won't cry."

He stopped crying,  and looked at me. "I promise." He whispered.

I pulled him up into my lap so his face was near mine. Then I brought my hand up, wiping away his tears. He returned the fabor, wiping mine away. I lifted his face to meet mine and kissed him gently, putting all my feelings into it.

I knew Gray could feel it because he put his legs on either side of me, pushing himself closer with each second. I didn't fight it. I loved the way he curved his body to meet mine perfectly. The way he pulled my head closer. The way he kissed me with so much feeling. I grabbed the back of his head, shoving myself onto him. He fell backwards, suprised by the sudden movement. I moved one hand up and down his back while the other one continued to hold us together. Gray's hands both ran throughout my hair while my hand felt its way all over his chest, outlining every muscle he had. Then he winced, pulling away. I looked at him, then remembered the bruise he had on his stomach from Zeref. We both laughed, hearing someone coming. Gray came and sat next to me, acting like he was sleeping. I caught on and leaned my head on him, closing my eyes. The door opened and I heard a girl squeal. Gray and I opened our eyes, looking at Lucy and Levy who were smiling like there was no tomorrow. I stretched and stood up, helping Gray up also. He yawned cutely and stretched. "Good morning."



ok so I couldn't leave it where I did. I had to get this part over. Hope you liked it! 150 reads!!! Thanks again so much!!!!

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