Chapter 9 ~Pizza!~

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"Good morning," I said, feeling most of my sadness and sorrow was gone. Replaced by something that was more important. I watched as Lucy dragged Natsu back toward the living room and smiled, following them. Wait, Levy was back. That meant a present. I hate life.

I walked into the living room, seeing everybody sitting down, watching a movie. It made me happy seeing them all happy. Natsu was sitting on the Lazy Boy again, grinning at me. I walked behind everyone, once again, sitting in his lap.

"Oh! I almost forgot! You're present!" Levy squealed. I looked at her like she was crazy. She stood up, walking over and handing me a rectangular box. I sighed, opening it. Inside was a picture of all of us. In gym class. I noticed that I was the only one not looking at the camera. Even Sting was in it so it must have been taken today.

"Thanks guys. Its perfect." I stood up, walking over and hanging it on a screw sticking out of the wall just above the T.V.. It fit perfectly there. I walked back, sitting down and smiling. I got comfortable in Natsu's lap and looked at the T.V.. We were watching Twilight. I watched the movie while Natsu wrapped his arms around my midsection carefully. He pushed his head into mine, probably trying to hide from the horrific scenes of that wretched movie. I moved so he would have to watch it. "If we have to suffer then so do you. Who chose this movie anyways?"

"I did Gray." Wendy said looking back at me.

"Oh. Good choice!" Sarcasm.

She stuck her tongue out at me, then went back to watching the movie. I looked at Sting and saw he was all alone. Lucy looked at me and followed my gaze, then nodded. There goes Stings love life. Its now in the hands of Lucy. God I hope you survive Sting.

The movie was at the last part where Bella almost dies and someone ran in the door, screaming like mad. I jumped up, running into the hallway and seeing a lady standing there, jumping up and down.

"Mom! What the heck?!? Whats wrong?" Sting asked. I let out a breath, seeing his mom jump into her son, hugging him, "Mom!"

"What?" She asked, then she looked into the living room, seeing all of our friends. "Oh! Sorry."

"What happened?"

"I found a place to stay!!! The house next door is moving out next week. We're going to live there!"

I tried holding in my laugh but failed completely. Sting looked at me, but I walked back to the movie. I missed the last part.

"You missed the last part." Wendy stated. I gave her a 'brat' look. She laughed, getting up and running into me. I winced again as she threw her head into my stomach.

Jane came into the door, handing me a envelope. "Ur told me to give this to you when you turned eighteen." She whispered.

"Y-you knew my mom?"

She nodded, "Her and I were best friends through middle school and high school. She was the one who told me to adopt you."

I looked at her in shock.

"Oh! And there is pizza on its way! Heres the money to pay for it when it gets here."

Jane walked back upstairs, humming a song. I looked at the envelope in my hands, then at everybody else. They all had a crossover of curiosity and happiness on their faces. Except Natsu. His face was covered in worry. I just smiled and put in a new movie. "Its just a birthday card. Jane gets me them every year. What movie do you guys wanna watch next?"

Everyone looked at eachothers faces. "Frozen!" (Is it bad that I haven't seen this yet? :P)

I popped it in, looking at Natsu. His face was still worried but he covered it up so the others didn't see it. We all ate pizza then everybody eventually left except Natsu. He waited after everyone and asked me about the letter.

"Who's it from?" He asked.

"My mom." I said, holding it in my hand, flipping it over.

Natsu put his hand on my hand that was holding the letter. I smiled, "Its fine. Whatever it says, I know that I have you and the others to help me get past it."

He smiled back. I grabbed the corner of the letter, opening it. Inside were two things. A letter and a necklace. I took out the necklace, looking at it. It was a chain that had a cross pendent on it. I sat that down carefully on the counter and took out the letter.


I know that what I'm about to do will hurt you forever. I never wanted this to happen but I had to so you would be safe. After your father left, he wanted to take you with him. Your father was always an abusive man so I couldn't let him have you. I didn't want you to have to live like that. If you had stayed with me the judge would have given custody to your father. I'm sorry. I know that I will never be able to say sorry enough for what I've put you through, but I can bring our family back together. I will come to wherever you live at the time of your eighteenth birthday. I will arrive in four days to bring you back with me to re-join our family. The fault was never yours, Gray. It was mine, and I'm sorry that my past decisions are making us part ways. Until I see you again.



I stared at the letter with wide eyes, and repeated the words in my head, 'I will arrive in four days to bring you back with me to re-join our family.', then looked at Natsu. He nodded his head. He had read the letter.


I put the letter down and leaned into Natsu, "Natsu, I don't want to leave. I want to stay here with you."

We looked at eachother and he leaned his face in, kissing me lightly on the lips, then he put his forehead on mine. "Its ok. I won't let anyone take you away from me."



So this story has 200 reads so far! Its amazing! I've never had this many before. I haven't even been close to this many before!! I cant thank any of you enough for all of it!! I did want to say something though, i just ate chocolate, and you should all know that the world is going to be destroyed by oranges with pizza sidekicks..... Run. Run for your life.


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