Chapter 31

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I stared at the enormous metal dragon that hovered above all of us then I ran to the forest at the bottom. When I got there I found that people were standing there, trying to circle around me. I put my fists together, shouting, "FIRE DRAGON: ROAR!!" I took a deep breath in, spewing out flames in every direction.

"You can't run. And you can't hide. So what are you going to do?" I heard from behind me. I spun, seeing Bora standing there.

"What do you want from me?" (What do you want from meee.) I asked, glaring at the man.

He laughed, "I don't want anything to do with you. Your father does."

My eyes went wide, "What do you mean?"

"Igneel wants to see you. He's awaiting your arrival. Come with me and I'll take you to him."

"How do I know I can trust you?" I snapped.

"You don't. Meet me behind Fairy Tail in a week and I'll take you to him." He laughed, turning and walking away.

"What if I dont come?"

"That poison I injected into your friend will make sure you come. If you dont he will die. And each time someone tries to heal him, the poison will begin working faster."

What did he mean? How did he know where Igneel was? Why would he force me to go? There has to be some kind of profit to be made from it. Bora isn't the kind of a person to do something for the good of it. I thought, holding my fire in my hands as he walked away.

"Wait, What happened to the people of the town?" I asked, my flames growing brighter.



I woke up seeing Natsu right beside me, his hair messed up and his arms were wrapped around my waist, holding me close. I sat up quickly, looking around, trying to find the man that had been keeping us hostage. He wasn't there. I must be unconcious, I thought. Natsu stirred next to me, looking up at me with his onx eyes full of concern.

"Its nothing. Sorry Natsu."

"Its ok." He mumbled, still sleepy, "I'm going to go make something to eat." He began to get up but before he could get out of bed, he fell asleep. I smiled, trying to hold in my laugh, then I got up, going downstairs and into the kitchen, pulling out some eggs and bacon along with toast and butter. I got a frying pan and cooked the eggs sunny side up, then I cooked the bacon, serving it on four plates for Ur and Lyon too. Then I set it out, realizing that it was four in the morning. I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep so I went to the living room instead and watched T.V.

"Gray. Gray! GRAY!" I heard coming from outside. I ran over to the door but I couldn't reach it. It kept getting farther and farther away from me. I tripped and fell, when I looked up again I saw Erza was shaking me violently, trying to get me up. I tried to sit up, but collapsed, not being able to hold up my own weight.

"Take it easy Ice Freak. You'll hurt yourself." I heard to the left of me. Natsu stood there, frowning.

Something was wrong. I tried again to sit up and was able to with the help of Erza. Lucy was sitting on the other side of me, staring at me concerned.

I stood up, using the cave wall to steady myself. "What happened?"

"I took care of them." Natsu said plainly.


"Come on, we need to go." Natsu said, walking over and grabbing me. I tried to push him away, insisting that I would be able to walk on my own but he wouldn't let me. "You have bad burns all over yourself, you're lucky you are able to stand." He said. I tried to walk but I couldn't and ended falling over, hurting myself even more. I heard a sigh then Natsu walked over, raising his fist, then bringing it down, knocking me out cold. (ha ha cold ha get it ha ha because he's and ice mage ha ha. I quit.)


"Was that really necessary Natsu?" Lucy asked, staring at Gray's unconcious form that was layed over my back. I nodded, turning and walking away. I could feel their stares as I exited the cave without saying another word.

"Natsu wait up!" I heard the girls call. I slowed down a bit, waiting for them to catch up.

"Natsu, what happened while you were there? What did Bora say?" Lucy asked, staring at me with her hazel eyes.

I kept looking forward, "It doesn't matter. We need to get back to the guild as quickly as possible."

I walked back to the guild, remembering the little girl was there, waiting to see her parents again. I stopped for a second, looking back at the mountains. He had killed the people of that town and he wants me to trust him about Igneel. What if it was a trap? What if it really was Igneel? I thought to myself as I walked down the streets and into the doors that led to the guild hall we called home. Erza opened the door, seeing that everyone was chatting, hanging out with the little girl. Everyone's gaze fell on the four of us.

"Hey Natsu's back!" I heard. People started cheering but stopped when they saw the expressions plastered on out faces. Autumn ran up to me, grabbing my vest with her tiny hands.

"Where are my parents?" She asked with worry in her eyes. Man I hated this part. I looked down at the ground, covering my eyes with my bangs.

"They're dead." I said through gritted teeth.

I felt a hand on the shoulder opposite of the one Gray was on. Juvia walked up to us, "i-is Gray d-dead too?"

"No. He was being difficult so I knocked him out." I walked over to a table, carefully setting Gray down. I saw him flinch in pain which angered me even more.

"Natsu may I see you in my office?" By the tone of the masters voice I could tell it was more of a command.

"Im busy." I said. Wendy walked over, placing her small hand on my clenched fist.

"Its ok Natsu. I'll heal him."

"Dont touch him." I growled.

Wendy stepped back. I could feel the eyes in the room all focused on my back. "He needs to rest. I'm taking him home."

"Natsu, do you even know where Gray lives?" Erza asked.

I nodded, picking him up bridal style and carrying him out of the guild and to his house.

When we arrived I walked him to his room, laying him down then I turned and began to walk away. "Natsu." It was faint. I could only hear it because of my enhanced hearing.

I turned around, seeing Gray was awake, staring at me.

"Stay with me." He tried to sit up but I stopped him.

"You need to rest." I said. He sighed.

"It isnt just a burn, is it?" He asked.

"No, its not. Bora poisoned you."


I thought of the first time I saw Lucy, smiling a bit. I started talking about the experience, telling Gray everything that had happened that day.

"So thats how you met Lucy. Wow." He laughed.

I nodded, "Hey, Gray?"


"Would you mind if I maybe stayed with you tonight? I dont want to intrude so its ok if I ca-"

"I dont mind, but only if you lay with me." He said overconfidently. (I think thats a word)

I felt my cheeks begin to burn, getting hotter and hotter. "Uh-i-su-." I couldn't speak. So I just nodded and walked over to where he was and sat on his bed. He pulled me down closer, whispering in my ear.

"Its time for you to wake up Natsu."

So sorry about the long update. I'm having issues with my relationship and my friends, but heres the next chapter I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for reading and be sure to vote ic you liked it and comment. I love reading all of them so thanks again for all the support!

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