Staying (💙)

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"What the hell are you doing here?!" America yells as he points at the other country accusingly.
The other country scoffs. "Thanks for being very welcoming, Amerika."

America brings down his finger and instead  clenches his fists and gritted his teeth. "Answer my damn question you damn communist."

The other country drops his bag that he was carrying over his shoulder and makes a few steps closer to the American. "Well, if your so damn fucking curious, why don't you ask your parents, Amerika?" Russia growled as he bends down a bit to be eye level with the other. America scoffs and turns away. "Maybe I will, Russia." He growled out. And before anything else could happen, France came out of the hallway to see Russia and America. A smile appearing onto her lips.

"Ah! Welcome Russia! Here, let's show you to the guest room! We have it all set for you, mon cher." Russia's frown turns into a soften smile. "Thanks Mrs." As he picks up his bags and makes his way to France, pushed through America, who was blocking his way. "This way, this way, mon Cher," France says as she gives directions to which room. And before she follows Russia, she looks over at America and gives him a glare. "Be nice America, he's gonna be staying with us for 2 years." And she gives a small smile before disappearing into the hallway.

America stands there stunned. His sunglasses drooping a bit.


"America stop playing with your food." Britain says as he continues to drink his tea.

The American grumbles as he slumps down in his seat. He looks over to see the Russian who was sitting next to him, and to no surprise was showing off how great he is. This just made America's anger boil.

He hates this so much...

Why did they get chosen? Why can't it be someone else. Maybe who Russia is friends with or something.

He doesn't wanna room with this fucking Communist.

The more he thought, the more he got angry. And Russia saw this, and he smirks, knowing damn well, he's getting under the Americans skin. He then proceeds to talk to Britain.

And throughout the whole dinner, America was ignored. And this angered the American even more.

"Oh thank you, Mon Cher! You are so well-mannered," France cooed, as they both finish cleaning up the kitchen and Russia nods.

"It's no problem Миссис," he then heads into his guest room. But was stopped by....guess who.



"Can you move? I'm going to bed," Russia said through gritted teeth and he was clenching and unclenching his fists. America watching his movements and huffed in triumph.

"Well, can't you say that nicer, Rus?"

The taller country sighed and he tries a different approach, moving past him. But of course this damn annoying country is well, y'know being annoying. Blocking his path, with that shit-eating grin.

"Amerika..." Russia warned, as he glares at the other, who returns the same look.

"Russia," he says with venom, and finally, he moves away and walks back to his room. Letting the Russian walk into the room he was given and closes the door. He plops onto the bed. And groans in annoyance.

"Что за херня."

~3 months later~

"America! Come downstairs!" Britain yelled, as the American was laying flat on his stomach on his bed, with his earbuds in. Knowing full well, that he needs to leave to get to his bus stop.

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