Amerika? (💙)

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"Hey Dad, can you push me on the swings?" A smol American boy asked his father, who had taken his son out for the day.

"Sure, son. Get on the swing." America smiles as he nods and jumps onto the swing. Kicking his legs, showing his dad that he's ready for him to push him.

Britain smiles as he walks over to America and starts to push him in the swings. America starts to giggle, from time to time, he would tell his dad to push him higher. And Britain did as so.

But as he was swinging, he saw another little boy, in the sandbox who was building a sandcastle. And after it looks finished he grabs his toy, and crushes the castle back down. He then proceeds to build another one, just to knock it down again. America smiles again. As he tells his dad to stop pushing him. And as the swing starts to slow down, he jumps off, and lands on the ground. He quickly runs over to the boy in the sandbox. Hoping maybe he can play with him. Whatever he was doing, seemed fun to him.

"Hello!" America says to the boy. The boy stops what he was doing and looks up, his ushanka a little too big, slants forward onto his face. With curious eyes, he looks at the cheary one.

America giggles, and looks in the sandbox, to find some cool toys, and looks back at the other boy.

"Can I play with you?"


America looks at him confused. "What?" The boy tilts his head, as in thought. And then, he tries again.

"Me don't know English well." He says as he looks down. Upset, that he finally gets someone to play with, but only to find out that they speak a different language, a language he struggles in.

America makes an 'Oh' face, and he kneels down. To face the boy in the sandbox.

"Well...That's okay! That shouldn't stop us from playing! Right?" America asks as the boy looks up at him, surprised. But he nods as well. As his ushanka starts to move down further down his face.

America giggles at this, as he grabs his ushanka and plops it back into place on the other boys head. He then gets into the sandbox. And starts to make a sandcastle, from what he had seen from the swing. And knocks it down. Laughing, as it was actually fun to knock the sandcastle down. Russia starts to smile. As he gave America one of his toys and from there, they were having fun. All the way till the sun almost starts to set. Britain calls for America, telling him it was time to go.

"Okay dad!" America calls back to his father, and looks at the other boy. His smile starts to falter. Sad that he has to leave his new friend. But he gets up, and dusts off the sand off of his clothes. After he is done, he lends a hand to the other. The boy accepts as he stands up as well and dusts off the sand off of his clothes too. Grabbing all his toys and looks back at America.

America gives him a small smile and wave, before turning around, to head towards his father, who was waiting by the gate of the entrance of the park.


America stops as he turns back to the boy. With confusion written on his face.


"Russia, my name." Russia says, before he gives a small smile.

America's smile grew as he walked back to Russia. "My name is America. I'll see you tomorrow. Okay?" Russia nodded, but was surprised, as he felt arms around him. America hugging him. He blushes, but he hugs him back, dropping one of his toys in the process. They break apart. And go their separate ways.

The next day, Russia rushes back to the park, hoping to see America again. He waited there, waiting for America to come. But as the hours went by, he never came. Russia was saddened by this, as he jumped off the swing, and started to head back to his house. The sun was about to set anyway. It was getting late. He leaves the park, sad and angry, but most of all, lonely.

-Few Years Later-

"Hey! Give that back Japan!" A teenage boy who's yelling across the courtyard at the Neko country, who seems to have sunglasses in her hand. The boy chases her, until he bumps into someone. Falling back onto his butt. "Shit- I'm sorry bro. I didn't see you there." He says as he gets up and looks at the person he had bumped into. He flashes an apologizing smile.

"It's fine-" as the taller country looks back at the smaller male. His eyes widened. They share eye contact. Making the smaller countries smile falter a bit. This guy was making him scared a little bit.


(A/N: Something cute and fluff ig. Idk. It sucks tho. Srry)

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