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Side note: This is before Deceit was beginning to be accepted as an OK side.
TW: Kidnapping, drug use (or whatever that thing is they use to make people pass out idk)

Patton's POV:

It was a completely normal day.

Everything was just dandy! I got up early to make everyone breakfast which resulted in everyone being happy.

Roman basically inhaled his pancakes and then bounced up out of his seat when he was done. Then he headed back to the imagination while singing riffs from the Disney movie, Aladdin.

Logan smiled at the sight of breakfast when he came into the kitchen and ate contently before thanking me as he got up to leave.

Virgil actually hugged me as he thanked me before eating up happily. He even helped me clean up afterwards. I was so proud of my dark, mysterious kiddo.

I was on my way to go clean the bathroom when I ran into Deceit in the hallway. We both stopped in front of each other.
"H-Hiya, Deceit!'s your day going?" I asked a bit uncomfortably. He was, after all, a dark side...but he was still a part of Thomas, so really, how bad could he be?
Deceit smiled in a way that made me question these thoughts.
"Oh, just horrible, Patton. I don't thank you for asking." He lied, as his words were always the opposite of the truth. So, his day was going well.
"G-Good to hear..." I said about to leave before Deceit put a hand on my shoulder to stop me.
"You OK, Patton? You don't sound scared at all." He said smugly.
"Are you scared of me?" He asked.
"Do I make you uncomfortable???"
"I, uh...well..."

Just then a pair of firm hands gripped my shoulders from behind. I let out a yelp before looking behind me to see Remus smiling smugly.
"Don't be scared, Patton." He said not making me comfortable at all. The way they were standing around me in the hallway made it so I couldn't leave...
"If you're scared," Remus continued. "that will only make this harder."

Just then Deceit put a white cloth over my mouth and nose holding it there forcedly.

I knew what was happening.

I had seen the movie, Rio many times.

I told myself not to breathe in as I tried to pull Deceit's hand away from my face, but he was much stronger than I was. My muffled screaming only seemed to amuse the two dark traits. Remus was holding me from behind and pushing my head into Deceit's hand. Then they noticed I wasn't breathing.
"Come on, Pat." Remus said, annoyed. He kicked my legs out from under me continuing to ignore my screams of protest and laid me down on my back, forcing the cloth more firmly over my mouth and nose.

I suddenly stopped screaming having run out of breath. They both smiled at this watching my frantic wide eyes.
"You have to breath at some point." Remus pointed out. He was right. Eyes filled with tears, I suddenly gasped in knowing I would also pass out if I didn't breath, and I'd rather not go out that way. Realizing I was now exposed to the substance on the cloth, I began to panic breathing rather quick and shallow breaths. The two dark sides laughed at this. It only took a moment before everything slowly faded to black.


I opened my eyes immediately feeling the absolutely horrible headache I had and groaned at the pain trying to raise a hand to my head and failing. That's when I realized my hands were bound behind my back and panicked. I opened my eyes completely and remembered the events that occurred earlier that day.
The uncomfortable conversation.
The horrifying feeling when I realized I was being attacked.
The fact they laughed at my pain.
I shuddered at the memories. I hadn't realized I was crying until I felt a tear slide down my cheek. So I decided to embrace it and began sobbing out loud.

No one would hear from down hear. Wherever I was.

I didn't need to hide it like I usually would...

A moment passed before Deceit and Remus walked in through a door, flooding light into the dark room. They flipped on the light switch and smiled at the sight of my tears. Looking around, I realized I was in one of their rooms. Of course I wasn't completely sure which one, but I assumed it was Deceit's considering how warm it was.

Deceit, after all, was part snake.

"Patton, dear," Deceit started darkly. "Are those tears running down your face?" I rubbed my eyes on my shirt, still sniffling. "I thought you weren't Thomas's heart..." he continued, lying of course because he was Deceit. Realizing he was lying, Deceit removed his yellow plastic gloves, allowing him to tell the truth, and continued. "His source of happiness and love." He got close to me, placing his hands on the arms of the chair I was tied to and leaning down to my level, our foreheads almost touching. "So then how is it possible that you are crying?" He asked accusingly.
I shook my head. "Well, heart doesn't always mean..."
"What kind of heart are you?" Remus added, interrupting me. "Making Thomas unhappy?"
"'s not my fault..." I started.
"Oh, but it is." Deceit said. He wasn't wearing his gloves, meaning he was very much telling the truth. I began to whimper again thinking about how this was affecting Thomas and Deceit moved away from my face.

Remus chuckled. "Patton, you're so adorable, honestly." He said. "I could just pinch your little cheeks." He said walking up and pinching my cheek rather painfully.
"Yes." Deceit agreed. "So naive and sweet. Everyone loves the heart." He turned to me, grinning. "I quite enjoyed pretending to be you if I'm being completely honest." He said ironically.

"In fact," he leaned closer to me again making me breathe out sharply in fear. "Maybe I could be the heart for a while." He turned walking slowly to the door.

I tried to remember the talks I had with Roman about bravery. I needed the advice right about now. Breathing deeply to calm myself like Virgil had taught me, I asked, "What do you mean?" My voice slightly cracking. Remus chuckled again, amused still by my fear. Deceit turned with a pouting lip at me to mock my fear. I tried to ignore it and furrowed my brow. They found this a cute act of defiance.
"He's like an angry puppy!" Remus stated crouching down and also giving me a pouty lip.

Deceit continued. "With you here, someone has to take your place. You're obviously in no position to do the job yourself." I pulled at the rope around my wrists in defiance and he just smirked. Then he made a 360 degree turn and when he turned back to face me, he looked exactly like me. He cleared his throat and stated, "I'll just handle things out here, kiddo. Don't you even worry about it."

He pushed the glasses on his face up and turned to leave when I shouted back, "My family will come for me!" Tears streaming down my face. He turned around smirking and gave me one last look of fake pity. I was breathing rather shallowly at this point. They would. They would come for me, right?
Deceit shook his head. "Sure they will." He stated just before opening the door and leaving with Remus.

They left me alone, crying, bound to the chair for who knows how long.

They would come for me, right?

They had to...

Kidnapped and Alone- A Sanders Sides Fanfiction (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now