"What?" I breathe out, opening the front, and grabbing a hand gun.

If my shit is damaged, everyone's dying.

"It's because they saw you with me during that shootout. They probably researched everything around you. Shit." He says, speeding past cars. I sigh.

I knew getting involved with him would end up something like this. I should've avoided him when I felt like it. Now, my house might be on fire.

He turns a final corner as smoke rises from my home, flames devouring the house and licking at the yard.

My house is on fire.

"Daxon. It's on fire." My heart drops.

Mom and dad don't have to worry about coming back now. There's nothing left to come back to. There's no reason to stay and wait anymore.

My eyebrows furrow at my own thoughts as Daxon screeches the car to a stop in front of my address. We hop out, stopping by the sidewalk at staring up at the fiery inferno.

It's not like I was waiting for them. I don't care about them anymore.

"They were trying to kill you. They probably noticed you had become a shut in and wanted to take you out in the prison you made for yourself." Daxon reasons, using his smart ass mouth to somehow explain the intention behind this and insult me.

No, really. Why did I get involved with this guy again?

Neighbors stand in front of their houses as Daxon dials the fire department. I continue to stare at the fire, burning away all my memories, good and bad, into ashes. Clenching my fists, I scoff.

If I ever meet those guys again, I won't hesitate. I'll enjoy watching the life fade from their eyes. Since they think it's ok to play with people's things.

All my clothes, shoes, and fucking everything is gone now. Even that gun-

My gun. I have to get it. I need it.

Go ahead, throw yourself into the fire for a piece of metal you know, comes in the thousands. This isn't about the gun and you know it. The only place you've called home is burning right before your eyes and you want to-

"Shut up! Shut the fuck up! Ugh!" I shake my head, grabbing either side of it as my knees buckle and I hit the pavement. A shout sounds off in the distance as siren grow louder and louder drowning out the demon in my head and the voices around me.

"-omi, hey! Are you ok? Don't pass out on me." A muffled voice shouts at me, my breathing increases. My hands tremble as someone wraps their arms around me.

"Everything is slipping away." I breathe out.

I don't have anywhere. I don't have anyone.

You're alone again.

"Naomi! I'm right here. I'm here." A piercing voice cuts through my thoughts, tugging me back to reality.


My breathing slows as I become conscious of someone's chest against my cheek. His thumping heart beats on my face and I pull back. Daxon's eyebrows furrow as I blink, taking a deep breath. The smoke in the air chokes my throat and I cough.

"G-get off of me." I stutter, as heat rushes to my face. Daxon smiles.

"I knew you'd be alright. The fire department is putting out the fire right now, let's get in the car and go." He whispers in my ear as confusion courses through me.

I have to be here. This is my house.

"What are you talking about-"

"If they find you here, they'll ask where your parents are and you'll probably be sent to an orphanage or CPS, then that institution. If we go now, they'll try to contact your parents first and then their workplace. My guys will take care of it, so they won't even try to talk to you. We just have to leave now." Daxon stresses. I clench my teeth, my nails biting into my palm.

All of this is so fucked.

I turn on my heel, trying to block out the sounds of the sirens baring to my burning home as Daxon follows after me.

I'm losing everything I've known so quickly. My parents, my house, my fucking gun.

I slam the door closed behind me, throwing on my seat belt as Daxon jumps into the driver's seat. My head leans against the window as the fire dies out, only smoke rising from the ashes of my home. The car starts and Daxon drives away, taking me away from my old life completely.

"Are you okay?" He asks, stopping at a red light as I roll my eyes.

I'd be dead now if I let everything get to me. I'll bury this away too, somewhere it won't hurt this badly.

"I'm fine." I mumble, staring at the neighborhood race by us, as Daxon drives.

"You should come stay with me." Daxon suggests. I tilt my head over, my eyes landing on the side of his face as I scoff.

"I can find a place to stay." I say, putting my head back against the window. My arms cross as I sigh.

No, I can't.

"You know that's impossible for you right now. Just come stay with me until you can get another place to crash at. It would be fun. I could even introduce you to the rest of the people I kind of work with." My eyebrows furrow as he finishes his sentence.

The rest of the people he works with?

I sit up, glancing at him as a smile graces his lips.

He's enjoying this. Whatever.

"You mean those guys who clean everything up for you, after you've made a mess?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at him.

If I could know more about whatever the fuck he does and how he does it, I'd be happy. He's hard enough to trust, let alone get to know.

"Yeah, those guys. They've been curious about you too." He turns the corner, heading down the road, pass our school.

"Aren't we going to school?"

I'm in no mood to hear anyone bitch about history but going around to some random place with this guy could take hours. I'm tired.

"No, we're going shopping for you." Amusement stains his words as we take another turn.

I narrow my eyes at him.

"I didn't bring any money." I say, as he chuckles.

"You're my new tenant, just think of it as a part of rent money." He smirks and I blink.

It's better than being on the streets tonight. This sucks but Daxon's my friend. I guess.

I'll take my chances.

"Just until I find somewhere else to crash."  

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